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Author Topic: Money vs. Pro and some rambling  (Read 728 times)


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Money vs. Pro and some rambling
« on: July 28, 2004, 11:22:30 AM »
I talk to a lot of bowlers, seems to me the big money tournaments that don't want cashing pros in them is a big turn-off for those who consider going Pro but don't want to give up the big events Pros can't bowl in.
Plus if a regional is going on the same time as a big cashing event why bother with the regionals?

being at a pro regional versus other tournaments. the atmosphere seems so much  more professional. Guess that's why they're called PROS!

Plus the fact that sport shot is tough to master, some of the big money events are easier shots. Then you do have the weird shots no one wants to try because it's too hard. Allowing pros into more of the big weird events might bring more folks out simply to see how the pros stack up against them on same turf. More entries bigger pay outs!

I personally don't feel the Pros get enough respect for what they do. BUgs the heck out of me when I hear someone say they can bowl as well as the pro's they just don't want to become one, or whatever excuse. It's also sad to see someone bowl well in regionals and they give it up for the money tournaments.

When I met Parker Bohn, I told him I hope someday my kid makes the Pros and wins his first title off Pete Weber, hope Pete don't get too old before that day.

My son has been helping a new bowler out. the guys goal is to get as good as my son.The other week he was thrilled to bowl a 258 by using some advice my son gave him.

You can't always be on top, what's the fun of being on top if there is no real competition. What fun is a 300 if everyone can do it! Plus high scores all the time intimitate newbies from entering leagues.

At our home house, bowling is almost dead!! Every year it seems a league folds or is down to 5 or 6 teams, years back most nights you were lucky to open bowl, people joined leagues so they knew they could bowl.

Last weekend on vacation we passed about 4 small bowling alleys, none looked open. We weren't from that area but I hear of more and more bowling alleys closing. I find that sad.



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Re: Money vs. Pro and some rambling
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 02:47:36 PM »
The even stranger flaw in your logic is thinking that the "pros" would want to bowl in an "amateur" event that could make them more $$ than they normally make in a season!
Why in the world should a "professional" athlete make anywhere near as much money as an "amateur" - let alone more???

(being sarcastic, of course)

On a serious note, the main reason I would not buy my PBA card is that if there was a regional within 200 miles (I think that's the limit), and there was also a women's event I'd want to bowl, I'd be forbidden from entering the other event. I think that rule more than anything keeps some bowlers out.
All things are difficult
before they are easy.
---- Thomas Fuller

Edited on 7/29/2004 2:43 PM
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Re: Money vs. Pro and some rambling
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 03:31:27 PM »
My computer just fluked on me, hope this isn't redundant and repitive.
I understand the good points you people have.
Personally I felt last year he should've quit leagues and went pro and paid his dues until he got there.
The atmosphere and shot put out is very different between an amatuer and pro event. We've been to Seaford Del. Twice for a regional as a non-member.
He was much more relaxed the second time and did improve. First time he did so badly it was humilitating. But the atmosphere was new.
His thinking is get better at the amatuer and win more and build himself up morally and finacially first before turning Pro.
His dream is to be a pro, to me his way is the slower way and things could prevent him from ever pursuing his true dream.
He'll spend 2 hours driving one way to a sport amatuer event. Top prize may be 200-300. Amatuer is different atmosphere. He is getting better at the sport shot. He'll spend mucho bucks to go to the big paying amature events, has come in the top 10 at some. But he's not making enough to get him anywhere.
Last week he won $900, had his balls stolen, spent about $300 I think on entering 3 squads and some pots.
Oh well, it's his decison, Mom can't make it.
He has no sponsor, he doesn't make mucho bucks. He never got the college eperience that helps some guys get the sponsors.
We met a guy who is what you'd call an amatuer with deep pockets. He won more money in high games pots, brackets, placed more than once. Only got second but I bet in the end he made a lot more than the other guys.
He's the one I insulted a regional by assuming he was one of the 2 good bowlers on the pair based on the scoreboards, my son was on their pair after them. I wasn't really paying attention to who scored what. My assumption made an as* out of me and probably irked the heck out of him, I was trying to be nice.
Guess it's time to drop my opinion on this thread and simply hope others continue to post. I'd love to hear others feelings on this. I do have a very open mind. I share mine with the hopes to get others to contribute their 2 cents. I normally find the more I put myself out there, others feel comfortable doing the same even if it's totally different than my thoughts. That's how you grow and learn.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!