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Author Topic: More about the sport shot  (Read 1175 times)


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More about the sport shot
« on: May 08, 2004, 11:15:13 PM »
I got to practice on a sport shot for the first time since my change to a no thumb style. This is a 45 foot shot with little buff and without the typical dry outsides of a house shot. I was able to just move right and play the track area. I was also able to use a stronger ball than normal. I had a board of miss room either way. If you missed right at your mark the ball ended up there. If I miss right on a house shot I sometimes end up high due to over reaction off of the dry boards outside. I averaged about 190 for the day over about 6 games. This was fun and really let me know how accurate I was and how uniform in release I was. When I used to bowl with my thumb I couldn't get the ball to hook on this shot. It was very frustrating. Now that I've grown some hand it is easier and a lot more fun.
I know many sport shots are short with no buff and tend to over react on the backend. I haven't seen that shot before, but it sounds much tougher than what I saw today.
Who would have thought that going to a no thumb release would make a sport shot easier?

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Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?




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Re: More about the sport shot
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2004, 06:20:00 AM »
AS you've already implied, (what I think of as) a typical sport might be a lot harder for you. What (might have) seemed easier was the (apparently) high amount of oil you had on this particular shot. If you are lucky, your future sport shots will be oily like this one; if not, be prepared to take some fingers out of your delivery, or move to a dull plastic or polished urethane ball.
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Re: More about the sport shot
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2004, 03:54:49 AM »
The shot was fresh.
As to the whole No thumb thing, I am aware that it is very limiting. I bowled with a thumb for 20 years. I was an up the backer. High track and little Axis rotation. I needed head oil and a bumper outside to get the ball to turn up. Put me on oil and I had a straight ball. On toast the ball hooked as soon as it touched the lane due to a super high track. I felt I could bowl with anybody when I matched up, but that was only on fresh oil with a hooking surface. I tried for years to lower my track and I also tried to learn different releases but I never had any success. When ever I tried to hit the ball more I just ended up with more speed.
Anyway, I was a limited bowler before and I am still a limited bowler. I can now handle more oil than in the past. Dry gives me fits, but it always did anyway. I mostly just throw weaker balls now. I use a Slate Blue Gargoyle on drier lanes and I usually do OK.
I averaged the same this year (203) without a thumb and last year with a thumb. I roll more high games and more low games than I used to. I do feel I have a better shot at a 300 now as I tend to string more strikes. I haven't had a 300 or an 800 yet with either style. Those are 2 of my bowling goals. I am really starting to get good at no thumbing and am learning to play the house shot better. I feel the 300 will be coming shortly.
I am aware that I will never become an elite bowler this way. That is not a goal. I bowl twice a week. One league and one practice sesion. I see almost exclusively house shots. I rarely get to bowl tournaments due to my work schedule and 4 kids 13 and younger. I am having fun and enjoying the game. That's the whole point. I also feel like I have a better shot at that elusive 300 now. Time will tell.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?
