Thanks for the replies so far. Here's where I'm coming from on this....I have a dull asym - nice when there is enough head oil. And a smooth arcing semi-shiny symmetric, control drill - nice for when the backends are jumping. Med/Low Revs and Speed matched, Med/Hi Rotation and Tilt, Left side.
The ball I'm trying to come up with would be one that gets through the heads clean like the symmetric, but has a much stronger finish than that ball, for when the heads are lighter, but the backends are not jumping. I am just trying to avoid a ball that is super skid/flip, that is harder to control - it sounds like a 4000 surface would help with this.
What about a strong, satin finished (4000) pearl or hybrid symmetric core designed(higher rg?) and drilled to be angular at the end for this situation?
Any other advice is appreciated.