Some ideas:
Are your balls now drilled for that PAP and that new tilt?
11-13 degrees are not even close to being radical. I had 20 degrees, and that's not even radical, and that caused some control problems but I used lower pins and sometimes 4000 grit matte surfaces instead of 1500 or 2000 grit polished finishes to counteract that.
7-9 degrees is almost a lack of tilt,for today's oil patterns and today's balls (This is synopsis of some pro coaches, not mine) and 11-13 degrees is better for an average to take advantage of today's conditions and balls.
I think you might also just re-think some of your balls, their surfaces and drillings, as well as how to play the lanes with the added tilt. 11 - 13 degrees is quite a good range, just not what you're used to.
Also that "up" factor, 1 1/4" is quite high. That may be the more troublesome aspect of the your new delivery. In fact, I wonder if the tilt measurement is not higher than you state. I've only seen a few people with that high an 'up' measurement. It seemed to make their delivery more over/under. I'd suggest double-checking the tilt again.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."