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Author Topic: Junior Status  (Read 1135 times)


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Junior Status
« on: September 07, 2004, 11:17:15 AM »
I was just wondering about this. Can a YABA jr bowler be sponsored, as in recieve balls for free, etc.,   or does that void their jr status?



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Re: Junior Status
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2004, 08:06:16 PM »
The answer is yes u can take equipment as well as entires to tournament and hotel expenses as long as its made out to the hotel.  its the same way u can take the rings and other awards yaba gives out but can't accept and awards or anything that  a league would by for u outside of the yaba.  But yes u can be sponsered.  

and Ace if u are good enough there would be a lot of people that might be willing to sponser a youth bowler.  if you go to the national tournaments and win using equipment sponsered by a company  more kids our teens are going to be influence to want them
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Re: Junior Status
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2004, 11:49:02 PM »
here the exact rule

note: The following Special Eligibility Rules apply to YABA membership only and may
have an affect on eligibility for high school or college athletics, bowling programs and/or
scholarships. Contact the school athletic director, guidance counselor or compliance officer
regarding eligibility requirements.

BOWLING EQUIPMENT. The awarding of personalized bowling equipment is acceptable with
no limitation on the dollar amount. Personalization means engraving the bowler’s name or initials
on a bowling ball, or attachment of plate(s), containing such information, on equipment.
PRO-AMS. Bowling in a Pro-Am is permitted provided the YABA members bowl in separate
divisions and do not receive cash or bonds and the award does not exceed $50 in value.
SCHOLARSHIPS. There are no limits on scholarship amounts. The scholarship must be held
by the organization offering or administering the award, and must be paid directly to the accredited
institution of higher learning. (See Rules 600c and 715 for procedures.)
NOTE: The following Special Eligibility Rules apply to YABA membership only and may
have an affect on eligibility for high school or college athletics, bowling programs and/or
scholarships. Contact the school athletic director, guidance counselor or compliance officer
regarding eligibility requirements.
NOTE: Holding ABC/WIBC membership does not violate Rule 400.
YABA Rules
YABA Rules
CHARITY BOWL-A-THONS.YABA members may use their scores to determine the amount of
contributions in bowl-a-thons. For national/international charities, or national scholarship programs
approved by YABA, the $50 limit in value of awards is waived. All other bowl-a-thons must adhere
to the $50 limit. Cash or bonds cannot be awarded and awards cannot be transferred or sold.
ENTRY FEES/TRAVEL. Entry fees and travel expenses are permissible into the next higher
level of YABA competition or any YABA tournament or event. The $50 limit in value of awards will
be waived. Bowlers may not transfer their entry. The entry fee must be paid directly to the
tournament director/manager, not to the YABA member.
TEAM USA COMPETITION.YABA members may participate in Team USA competitions along
with adult competitors provided they do not receive cash or bonds. They may participate in side
competitions only for YABA members during Team USA events as long as any winnings are given
as scholarships deposited in the SMART program.
SIDE COMPETITION/BRACKETS. YABA members may participate in side competitions/
brackets, provided that all the entries be returned 100% and in the form of scholarships only. No
cash or bonds are to be awarded at any time.
In adult/youth competition YABA side competitions/brackets must be separate from adult side
competitions/brackets. Participation by the YABA member in the same side competitions/bracket
as adults is prohibited, nor can their scores be used in adults side competitions/brackets.
Winners must be determined on merit pinfall based solely on the skill of the participant.
COLLEGIATE BOWLING. In College Bowling USA tournaments, team prizes are acceptable
awards provided the award is paid to the bowling program. The funds must be used for
intercollegiate bowling team expenses such as entries, travel and bowling equipment.
scholastic bowling activity recognized by a State High School Athletic Association, National
Collegiate Athletic Association or College Bowling USA are eligible for individual and team
awards. The awards authorized by a State High School Athletic Association, a National Collegiate
Athletic Association and College Bowling USA are not subject to the limitations in Rule 400
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Re: Junior Status
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2004, 12:42:36 AM »
well i copied and pasted from the yaba rulebook online pg 78-79
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Re: Junior Status
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2004, 01:23:56 AM »
This is a good question.  In Texas as far as reading our State High School bowling bylaws I could not find anything about this kind of sponsorship.  I know that the bowlers may not wear anything like logos or advertisements on their person during matches or events.  It would not be abnormal for certain companies to anonymously sponsor teams or schools with a donation.  In some states schools are supported by local businesses with services, money and materials.  As for an individual being sponsored that may be borderline performance based.  That would all depend on what the guidelines were for receiving the balls and perks.  Who would sponsor a youth bowler?  Plenty of people but they would want to do it as a group in most cases.  Example would be Pepsi.  There are several people that would be and are happy to support youth bowling.  I'm sure you would also have problems with contractual agreements and minors.  You might also check U.I.L.

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