Thanks for the feedback, some of this stuff may not happen instantly but hopefully at the beginning of next year I can make some significant improvements.
Alonzo, the new Dual Angle video is coming . . when, I have no idea lol, but I have everything ready, just have to put the video together.
I don't think my current software can do the ball tracker thing but I'll see.
Part of my challenge right now with the throwing it straighter thing is that it messes with the auto focus on my camera, sometimes it's an issue, sometimes it's not. I can throw the ball straighter, I just need to figure out the particulars and haven't had time to mess with it. I should have some time off at the beginning of the year to play with it. Our house shot is also REALLY dry on the outside, so that makes it difficult, but hopefully can get it done.
Might make a ball reaction video too . . seeing lines may help on a video, but there are no tracer lines on a lane after you throw it, so maybe it's not an issue of not seeing it, but not knowing what to look for?