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Author Topic: Possibly starting back up.  (Read 1648 times)


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Possibly starting back up.
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:06:32 PM »
Hello all. It has been a long time since I have been on here. I have not bowled for the past 3 years. We just moved back to Sioux Falls and I have lots of people that want me to bowl next season. I am tossed on what I want to do. If I start up I will need a pair of shoes. I know I will get lots of different answers. What are the best shoes out and why do you say that? Also thinking of a ball or two. I have all Brunswick right now; Smokin Inferno, Inferno, Fury, Rampage, and a Power Groove. Would have to redrill thumb to adjust pitches. Possibly be looking for at least one new ball possibly two. Not a Storm guy at all let me say that. What is good right now? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time for your help.  




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Re: Possibly starting back up.
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2012, 01:13:06 PM »
If the only change needed to your grip is thumb size and pitch, ask your pro shop operator about reslugging the thumb holes.  That's relatively inexpensive (I charge $10) and will give you the chance to bowl with your old equipment long enough to get "back in the swing".  Then you can decide on a new ball(s).  --  JohnP


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Re: Possibly starting back up.
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2012, 05:09:25 PM »
Here's my .02 worth: Three weeks ago, I got called out of "retirement" to sub. I hadn't touched my equipment (except for moving it across the country) since the last week of the 2005 season. Not exactly the way I envisioned easing back into things, but what the heck. My right shoe sole blew out in the 4th frame, and I had to borrow a rental shoe...fortunately, I'm right-handed, so it wasn't that big of a deal. (I just ordered a new pair of Dexters over the weekend)
As far as upgrading your balls (that sounds really wrong!), I would just throw what you have for a may find, as I have, that there's really nothing wrong with them...and you can save some cash in the meantime. I'm carrying a Danger HPH, an Inferno, a Raging Inferno, and a spare ball. I have bowled three times on one league, and two times on another (yes, they recruited me for a second league on the first night out), and have pretty much thrown the HPH 98% of the time. Granted, I've been bowling at the one house in town, so the shot is your typical house shot...and it's gone like this: 430, 580. 490, 598, and 639 last night (with a 150 1st game).
I was initially thinking "God, I need new equipment"...but beyond new shoes, I think I'm cool for the moment. I have to replace the finger inserts in most of them...which I will do this week...might be something to consider if yours look worn or deteriorated...


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Re: Possibly starting back up.
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2012, 07:38:03 PM »
Thank you all for the replies. I went out today and tossed a few games. Did not worry about score. Just tried everything out. I found one ball that I can not use at all, the pitch is just WAY OFF. My Fury that is polished pretty good just went straight. Need a lot of work if I want to get back into it. My Smokin Inferno did just what I remembered it doing. I have thought about plugging and redrilling the thumbs. Just don't know yet what I want to do. 
