Hi Everyone,
Well, We're about halfway through our PBA Experience league. This league has taught me to think about my shots more and try not to spray the ball over the place.
Since I bowl on a normal House Shot on another night, I had a little tougher time adjusting to the "Free Hook," and "Hold" that the house shot usually gives. (Well most places at least).
I'm not saying that I didn't like the House Shot, but after my first few weeks of PBA Experience League and my Normal League coinciding with each other, I found myself puzzled with all the "Miss Room" and "Hold" that I had.
I was still using the "Sport/PBA Shot" Mentality, which isn't bad, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that the PBA Experience kind of altered my mindset and tweaked my game a bit.
Last night, I felt better in the House Shot league. I started taking advantage of the "Wall" again and didn't have to worry about "Out of Bounds" or "Traps."
I guess the moral of the story is bowl and adjust in a way in which you can score on the current condition. I just got trapped in the transition of 2 different mindsets.
Anyone else in the same boat?
When you bowl in your normal league house shot after a Sport/PBA shot, do you feel like you can go back to normal or does your mind play games with you like you're still on the Sport/PBA Pattern?
Edited on 4/20/2007 12:37 PM