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Author Topic: SURVEY: House Shot & PBA/Sport Condition Transition  (Read 1119 times)


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SURVEY: House Shot & PBA/Sport Condition Transition
« on: April 20, 2007, 04:35:38 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Well, We're about halfway through our PBA Experience league. This league has taught me to think about my shots more and try not to spray the ball over the place.

Since I bowl on a normal House Shot on another night, I had a little tougher time adjusting to the "Free Hook," and "Hold" that the house shot usually gives. (Well most places at least).

I'm not saying that I didn't like the House Shot, but after my first few weeks of PBA Experience League and my Normal League coinciding with each other, I found myself puzzled with all the "Miss Room" and "Hold" that I had.

I was still using the "Sport/PBA Shot" Mentality, which isn't bad, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that the PBA Experience kind of altered my mindset and tweaked my game a bit.

Last night, I felt better in the House Shot league. I started taking advantage of the "Wall" again and didn't have to worry about "Out of Bounds" or "Traps."

I guess the moral of the story is bowl and adjust in a way in which you can score on the current condition. I just got trapped in the transition of 2 different mindsets.

Anyone else in the same boat?
When you bowl in your normal league house shot after a Sport/PBA shot, do you feel like you can go back to normal or does your mind play games with you like you're still on the Sport/PBA Pattern?


Edited on 4/20/2007 12:37 PM



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Re: SURVEY: House Shot & PBA/Sport Condition Transition
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 08:37:35 PM »

I think that is part of my slump lately.  I have been bowling well as of late on the Experience but struggling on the house shot.  It doesn't help that my house shot ball died either.  I have been shooting in the mid 700's on the Experience shots lately, 4 games and about the same scores on the house.  


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Re: SURVEY: House Shot & PBA/Sport Condition Transition
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 09:08:29 PM »
For the past 4 years I have bowled in two leagues.  One league is a THS and the other is a sport shot compliant league.  You eventually become more comfortable.  The important thing to remember that in sport shot/PBA leagues most of the adjustments are the opposite of THS league adjustments.

In a THS league, you move gradually toward the center of the lane as the oil goes away.  In a sport shot league, you start in the center if the oil pattern is longer and you start at the outside if the oil pattern is shorter.

As you bowl in both leagues more and more, you realize just how much miss area there is in a THS.  You can miss your target on the THS shot by several boards and still hit the pocket.  On a sport shot, you miss by several boards it is either right through the headpin or a washout.


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Re: SURVEY: House Shot & PBA/Sport Condition Transition
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 10:24:53 PM »
Had that same problem for about a month after finishing my PBA Regional Shot league a couple years back. I had to "get sloppy" again to score.
