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Author Topic: More exposure, more participation?  (Read 718 times)


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More exposure, more participation?
« on: October 15, 2004, 01:22:43 AM »
Hey all,

Just a thought, watching what Tiger did for Golf, what ESPN did for Texas hold'em, would it work if bowling were to be aired more? Do you feel that we would get more bowler participation simply by having better and more exposure?  It seems like everybody and their dog is playing hold'em these days(I'm one, never did before), can it work for bowling as well?

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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"El" Presidente of the Legion



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Re: More exposure, more participation?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2004, 11:59:58 AM »
Hey all,

Just a thought, watching what Tiger did for Golf, what ESPN did for Texas hold'em, would it work if bowling were to be aired more? Do you feel that we would get more bowler participation simply by having better and more exposure?  It seems like everybody and their dog is playing hold'em these days(I'm one, never did before), can it work for bowling as well?

I don't think it's going to help which is sad!  Especially with it's current spot going up against the NFL!!  I think bowling has some pretty dynamic personalities, but the advantage golf and, I guess Hold 'Em, has is they are the things big time celebrities do when they're not doing they're usual thing.  Almost all athletes, actors, etc. golf in their spare time -- almost obsessively.  Their's a ton of celebrity poker on TV now -- can you imagine celebrity bowling??  Much as I'd like to see it, I can't think of many (except for us) who would.  Golf started taking off before Tiger with the likes of Michael Jordan, Kevin Costner, Charles Barkley, Alice Cooper and other big name celebs taking an interest in the game.  Tiger was like the rocket fuel to put it into outer space!!  I don't know where I'm going with this exactly -- I bowl and golf (no poker for me!!) and enjoy them equally.  I'll watch almost any bowling that comes on.  I just know there ain't no way I'm going to be watching it if the Steelers are on -- the missus will have my nads if I try to change the channel!!  Anyway, if we can get bowling to be the "cool thing to do", THEN you'll see it take off again...


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Re: More exposure, more participation?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 12:03:38 PM »
If it was on tv more everyone would bowl
Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger
He's half man and half machine

Rides the metal monster
Breathing smoke and fire
Closing in with vengeance soaring high