My THS is so dry that i hook my x factor deuce right into the pocket. i go to phoenix or vegas where they actually lay down some oil and my ball will not hook! I cannot get it to hook on oil! i asked my driller to help me today with my problem. as soon as he saw me throw my first ball he almost about had a heart attack! i throw it suitcase style and he changed everything. Im averaging a 190 on THS. he told me i drift to the right, dont bend my knees, my wrist breaks, i dont look at the right spot, i hold the ball wrong, my suitcase style is the worst style he has ever seen. i was like "thanks dude, some encouragement please..." anyways i cant get enough hand behind the ball, i keep on twisting my wrist to early to the suitcase style.... anyways can anybody tell me an easier way to fix my problem instead of just packing up and never unpacking again

thanks for your time.
also i need a big hooker for dry lanes, how to drill and stuff.
low revs