I have had a lot of luck with many of the Morich balls out there. Ntense, Levrg, Nsane, Levrg response, and Awesome finish.
The only one I didn't have much luck with was the Awesome Revs. The cover was a little to sensitive for me. OOB was a little strong and polish made the ball skid, skid, kinda snap. I didn't spend too much time altering the surface much more to give the ball a fair chance because I had too much stuff anyways and a team mate really liked it so I sold it to him.
I had any reaction I wanted with the ones listed. From roll, to skid snap. It was done with very little change in surface as well.
Mo is really smart when it comes to bowling balls and their dynamics and I think too many people get lost in all the information given when it comes to these bowling balls and drilling. Use your normal drill patterns like anything else and they roll great. I haven't tried the newer bowling balls like the mania and craze but to me they look to be more versatile and offer a little more skid snap that wasn't as available in some of the previous equipment.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "