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Author Topic: Morich  (Read 2538 times)


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« on: June 12, 2010, 10:46:03 AM »
Does Brunswick still pour Morich Balls
King Doane 87-88 Team USA



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Re: Morich
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2010, 10:00:26 PM »
I have to ask why anyone throws Mo stuff?  I haven't seen one of those balls roll good in years.  In the modern game you need balls that change direction (to compliment the rolly ones) and Mo has nothing symmetrical or with a tame core.

I'm not trying to be ugly...but really...what is the appeal with them?
Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"

You must be in the past cause the LevRG line is long gone Russel

check out the Frenzy Craze and Mania all have a new core designed to get down lane and move hard off the spot, all new covers also rumored to be modified versions of the C-System line covers. They are pretty cool and not rolly at all.
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+++Kharn The Betrayer+++(War Hammer 40,000)

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Re: Morich
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2010, 10:12:12 PM »
Levrg response and Nsane levrg are anything but rolly. Added a little polish to the nsane for a very sick skid snap ball. Out of the box is dull similar to an Evil Siege. Polish either and you will see some skid snap/direction change.

Anybody try the Awesome Flip???
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Re: Morich
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2010, 10:17:17 PM »
I wouldn't mind trying some newer Morich stuff. The only Morich I ever had was the N'sane, drilled it really strong like a 3 1/2x4x1. Threw 800ab+1500polish surface was a great ball, rolled well, awesome backend, then after about 30games the ball literally died. Cleaned it after every use and did surface prep every time before I used it. Tried everything, baking, sweating, resurfacing, nothing seemed to work. It literally went from moving 30 boards to barely moving 5. I'm not trying to bash Morich, maybe I just got a bad ball I don't know, but I wasn't the only one this happened to with this ball, I can name off about ten or 15 people that had the same problem. Then there's my  buddy Dom who has an Awesome Flip with about 300games on it that still hooks like its brand new, so I don't know???


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Re: Morich
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2010, 09:31:49 AM »
I wouldn't mind trying some newer Morich stuff. The only Morich I ever had was the N'sane, drilled it really strong like a 3 1/2x4x1. Threw 800ab+1500polish surface was a great ball, rolled well, awesome backend, then after about 30games the ball literally died. Cleaned it after every use and did surface prep every time before I used it. Tried everything, baking, sweating, resurfacing, nothing seemed to work. It literally went from moving 30 boards to barely moving 5. I'm not trying to bash Morich, maybe I just got a bad ball I don't know, but I wasn't the only one this happened to with this ball, I can name off about ten or 15 people that had the same problem. Then there's my  buddy Dom who has an Awesome Flip with about 300games on it that still hooks like its brand new, so I don't know???

Gunnz I have about 75 games on my Craze and it still hooks like new it hasnt lost a bit
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Re: Morich
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2010, 10:40:22 AM »
I have to ask why anyone throws Mo stuff?  I haven't seen one of those balls roll good in years.  In the modern game you need balls that change direction (to compliment the rolly ones) and Mo has nothing symmetrical or with a tame core.

I'm not trying to be ugly...but really...what is the appeal with them?
Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"

Morich occupies a small niche with its strong asymmetrical cores. But in the past years, esp. with the LlevRG ball line, I think they lost ground. One reason is that many major manufacturers closed the gap, so the balls lost their USP. And they became over-aggressive - I heard and hear many players complain about the strong LevRG cores being itchy, hard to control or just crap. I mean, the benefit of these cores is that you can tune the ball reaction very well for s pecial pupose and reaction shape. But you need a consistent game to exploit this, and a ball driller who knows how to handle this task (and balls). That's quite demanding, and bears lots of disappointment potential.

I suppose that this lead to a dead end, and the current balls have much more "harmless" core designs - but the brand has become IMO quite generic.

We'll see, but IMHO Morich is not in a good market position these days

But that does NOT mean that the balls are bad!
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