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Author Topic: Morich or Visionary?  (Read 1203 times)


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Morich or Visionary?
« on: November 12, 2008, 06:10:47 AM »
Well it is like this. As December approaches I saved some pesos for a couple of balls. Currently, I feel comfortable with my RedZones and Enriched Uranium as opposed to my BigBang. I haven't found how to play with the BigBang, I'm using it only at practice. Considering this what would you recommend for me? The Brunswicks and Uranium are similar to Morich equipment and the BB to Visionary? I'm not an expert, if I'm writing something dumb please excuse me. Also, I would like to try both labels but I only have pesos for a couple of balls. Thanks.



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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 03:28:29 PM »
Brunswicks and Uranium are NOT similar to MoRIch equip.
Big Bang (Lanemasters) are not similar to Visionary.

I'm not sure  where you got these ideas, but you can throw them away completely.

Sometimes a ball from one company will be similar to another ball fro another company but you cannot make generalizations like you did above.

Tell us how those 2 balls are set up, if you you've changed the surfaces at all and what other type of ball/ball reaction for how much oil you may want and many people will be glad to make suggestions from several different companies.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2008, 03:34:06 PM »
Save your money on Mo's and buy some Hammer/ cant go wrong!!


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2008, 03:40:13 PM »
Sorry charlest (I deserve it). The thing is that I have read here that Morich revs right at your hand and that's what I feel from my RedZones. Opposite to the BigBang which I can't get that kind of rev rate (if this term is correct). I'm not telling this ball is bad, but it seems that I have more mistake room with the other equipment. And I believe that the more I improve I will be able to use that BB without problem (I'm not getting rid of it).  My EU is 1 inch pin, pin below fingers, x-hole right of thumb like 5 inches. My RedZones are pin above fingers mass bias right of thumb. Thanks.


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2008, 05:28:28 PM »
Sorry charlest (I deserve it).

No need at all to be sorry. There are many ways to come by these ideas. Personally I don't want you or anyone to think things are black and white when there's do much gray in this picture.


The thing is that I have read here that Morich revs right at your hand and that's what I feel from my RedZones.

Yes, I agree with both of those ideas BUT, in my opinion, they are only one piece of the puzzle, one factors among MANY about a ball's performance. And any one ball does not reflect the same characteristic of every ball by that manufacturer.

Bowling ball manufacturers cannot stay in business today making just one kind of ball.


 Opposite to the BigBang which I can't get that kind of rev rate (if this term is correct). I'm not telling this ball is bad, but it seems that I have more mistake room with the other equipment.

The Big Bang is a sort of special ball: particle solid, with a core that allowed length and a good backend if you had some hand. For strokers it was a strong medium oil ball with good length and strong hitting power with not a huge backend.  Crankers and tweeners could get a lot of backend on medium to medium-heavy oil. If you had too much ball speed in proportion to your rev rate, you got a medium oil ball with some over/under - you probably didnt like this ball unless you added some surface.


And I believe that the more I improve I will be able to use that BB without problem (I'm not getting rid of it).  My EU is 1 inch pin, pin below fingers, x-hole right of thumb like 5 inches. My RedZones are pin above fingers mass bias right of thumb. Thanks.

That EU should rev up nicely and have a strong backend on medium or heavier oil. It's a Brunswick particle coverstock and they are usually pretty strong, even polished.

That Red ZOne will still rev up, but its shiny cover will restrict the amount of oil it can handle, in general.

Sooo, what type of additional ball reaction would you like and how much oil would you like it to handle???

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 11/12/2008 8:37 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 06:50:40 PM »
charlest he said bigbang not big-r-bang

I dont have any info on the ball but if you do I think you should edit your post about the big-r-bang. I know how you like to keep people informed... just helping him get the correct info.
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2008, 07:33:01 PM »
charlest he said bigbang not big-r-bang

Thank you. will correct (sigh).
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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2008, 07:06:22 AM »
Personally I like MoRich balls they match to the way I throw.  I have low to med revs.  I used Columbia's until this year there not a bad ball at all.  But MO's just match up for me better.  There are a lot of great balls out there you just have to match the right ones up for you!  The skies the limit know a days!!


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2008, 07:29:01 AM »
Thank you all. Charlest, I'll try to explain what's going on with my local center. Last Tuesday I begin with the EU, left foot at the foul line like 18 sending the ball around 10, first game 256. Second game (I think I understand the term transition now), couple of opens and finished with a double at the 10th frame going 20 to 12-13 at the arrows but going straight to the break point. A 178 game. And then finished with 5 opens (4 splits) for a 134. I tried the RedZone in the second frame but it went straight and left the 1-2-4-10 so I went back to the EU. My coach told me (I can't confirm this but he has a lot more experience than me) that the center is not cleaning the area at the pins (can't remember it's name) and that's the reason why it's kind of difficult. Now, I would like to try something different like Morich or Visionary. I like to take only two balls to my league and practice. I don't have exact numbers but I consider myself med revs-speed-track.


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2008, 07:54:59 AM »
Go ahead and try Mo you can't go wrong, but you have to have a driller that knows exactly what he is doing. Mo's stuff is drill very specific small mistakes make big differences with his cores. The ability of these balls these balls to hook and hit is just amazing, My Hercules is still hitting harder than alot of the new stuff from other companies.
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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2008, 01:21:17 PM »
Thank you all. Charlest, I'll try to explain what's going on with my local center. Last Tuesday I begin with the EU, left foot at the foul line like 18 sending the ball around 10, first game 256. Second game (I think I understand the term transition now), couple of opens and finished with a double at the 10th frame going 20 to 12-13 at the arrows but going straight to the break point. A 178 game. And then finished with 5 opens (4 splits) for a 134. I tried the RedZone in the second frame but it went straight and left the 1-2-4-10 so I went back to the EU. My coach told me (I can't confirm this but he has a lot more experience than me) that the center is not cleaning the area at the pins (can't remember it's name) and that's the reason why it's kind of difficult. Now, I would like to try something different like Morich or Visionary. I like to take only two balls to my league and practice. I don't have exact numbers but I consider myself med revs-speed-track.

A lot depends on where the breakpoint is. If your left foot is around 18, the furthest inside you can be laying the ball down is 11, roughly 7 boards. Otherwise you'd be smashing your ankle. More likely you're probably putting it down around 10. So your breakpoint would be around the 10 board. While that may be deep enough for a ball like the Enriched, your polished Red Zone probably needs more dry boards to hook. You might have to out as far as the 5 board as a breakpoint. That MAY be why it is going straight.

Do you know where your breakpoint is for either or both balls??

If they're not cleaning the backend, the area in front of the pins or at the pin deck can have some or a bunch of oil, often called carrydown. That could also be the reason why the Red ZOne is not hooking enough.

mainzer is correct. MoRich balls need more precision in their drilling than symmetric cored balls. HOWEVER, the Brunswick Red ZOne is also an asymmetric cored ball like MoRich's balls. It is possible that your Red Zone is not drilled correctly for your release. It should also have a fairly sharp backend.

Both the Enriched and the Red ZOnes are also polished balls. You may need one of them to be slightly dulled (not totally sanded) to allow it to hook earlier and help give you a little more overall hook. This will help conquer the carrydown if that is the problem.

maybe you need your coach to help you tell us the exact situation. I made a bunch of assumptions, trying to identify your problem. I am not sure if I am right. Kind of surprised that your coach can't help you here or at least give you more information to help us find a solution. Without some more specifics, I'm not sure if I have identified the problem. Maybe others can from what you have said.

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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Morich or Visionary?
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2008, 05:36:52 AM »
I'll jus add a lil to this topic....since I drilled a MoRich Solid LevRg this year and am a Visionary fanatic.

Both companies are very good at manufacturing good equipment.  MoRich using Big B right now and Visionary their own stuff.  Generally you can say Visionary high Rg thicker long lasting covers MoRich low Rg more filler good covers with outstanding cores.  

Visionary lil more driller friendly can make slight mistakes with releases on a THS and they will cover sme of that....MoRich needs to be drilled correctly taking into account all factors and should be used on specific lane conditions to get best results.  IMO not a good choice for those that don't understand lane conditions, breakdown, releases.....yadda yadda.  For the more experienced MoRich good fit.  

charlest covered the other issues well so I won't go there.  

Good luck!
