Another hijacked thread. Let's stick to the issues here. Tenpin, you implied that THS was stupid easy, yet you bowled on a blown THS. Carry issues second and third game (sounds like you found the only playable line in the first game and destroyed it by games 2&3). 255 out the gate doesn't mean THS is a piece of cake, it sounds more you found a line and got hot. That's it. You stated that the missed spares were largely ring rust. You were only gone two months. If you started out with a 255, you couldn't have been that rusty. And it doesn't make a difference if you were bowling THS or PBAX, because in PBAX you primarily pick up spares with a plastic ball. Sounds like your spare game is what needs work. Also, how are the lanes when freshly oiled? Can you go out there, especially now with the wisdom you've gained from the PBAX, and shoot 200's on a somewhat consistent basis? And do other houses in your area have similar shots where you can go in and shoot the lights out of the place? Then, THS is easy. Then, what you said would make sense and not draw the firing squad, so to speak. I'm not, NOT, trying to rag on you. I just think that that statement might have been made a little prematurely and you may have some holes to fill in your game before you can accurately say that THS is just too easy for YOU.