Yep, guy who Pete was shocked to beat.
Pete's attitude there surprised me.
My son bowled in the pro am with Walter Ray and we saw him having a bad day.
We liked the guy, he seemed cool enough but just remembering everyone has there bad days, kind of makes them seem not at undefeatable.
I agree with the person saying themself! You are your worst enemy often times.
Parker said when you have confidence in yourself, you know you've done something before and you can repeat it helps improve you.
Last weekend my son won one match, because the other guy opened and he had to strike out to win by one. Score was low but he got the job done that game.
Bowled his best match play later and lost to the fellow who went on to win.
Like someone said in another area what matters is winning not the score.
Myself it seems sometimes it takes another bowler to push the bar a little higher to bring out the best in others. I've also have noticed sometimes people aren't impressed with their opponent or have no respect for them and seem to bowl a little less aggressive and relax more and blow it that way.
I used to love summer league bowling with hubby and son. Several times both got the first 6 or more. My son kept saying all summer, I'll bowl a 300 for you mom. I missed his first few. Last week of summer league, him and dad had first 9, hubby got tapped, 290, son did his thing 300!! Two weeks later I was hanging around, second week of leagues another 300.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!