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Author Topic: CANDLEPIN BOWLING: I'd love for it to be available in my area  (Read 1229 times)


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CANDLEPIN BOWLING: I'd love for it to be available in my area
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:30:30 AM »
Sorry, but I'm pretty disgusted with the current state of "big ball" bowling right now.  Just some of the reasons are listed below, (in no particular order):

1)  Lack of available prize money at its highest levels.
2)  The scoring explosion
3)  Lefty/righty issues
4)  Becoming unaffordable for many,  ($45 an hour lane rental, WTF?)
5)  Controversy regarding no-thumbers & two handers
6)  Lack of respect from the general public
7)  AMF Bolmor's policies, (do I need to explain this one?)
8)  Rule enforcement, or lack thereof.   
9)  The egos & attitudes of some bowlers ruin it for everyone.

and many more reasons I can't think of right now.

Candlepin bowling seems so much more appealing to me right now.   Here's some reasons why:

1)  It seems to be an "honest" game.   No tricks to artificially inflate scoring
2)  No advantage whether you're lefty or righty
3)  No one has an equipment advantage over another.   
4)  Lane conditions.   Never heard a candlepin bowler complain about it.
5)  Lower costs.   (Equipment & lineage)
6)  Seems much more interesting, playable deadwood makes for infinite possibilities in pin action.
7)  The scoring pinnacle(s) have NEVER been reached.   No one has come even close to it.  (Who will be the first to break the 600 barrier for 3?)
8)  Does not require much athleticism to participate.

I've been looking for an alternate activity and candlepins would be a great solution for me.   Currently, outside of the northeastern part of the country, it is pretty much non-existent.

I believe that with the PROPER MARKETING, it could catch on quite well as an addicting, affordable & challenging activity.   




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Re: CANDLEPIN BOWLING: I'd love for it to be available in my area
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2016, 02:03:07 PM »
I bowled candle pins a couple of times way back in the 60s.  I  dont fisagree with much of your criticism of ten pin bowling.   However the ten pin game has one attribute that still appeals to many of us.  That is the ability to create carrying power.   I enjoy being able to create a strong roll that drives the 5 pin out and sends pins flying off the wall.  In addition I think the combination of accuracy and versatility is under rated 8n todays ten pin game


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Re: CANDLEPIN BOWLING: I'd love for it to be available in my area
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2016, 11:47:08 AM »
I grew up just north of Boston, and there were several candlepin bowling centers in my town. There was only one ten-pin center nearby. The funny thing is my Dad and I were open bowlers, but we preferred bowling ten-pin. There was just no substitute for the sound of a strike and all that pin action. Now fast forward about 50 years, and my body is saying I'd be a lot less sore with candlepins!!!