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Author Topic: Most Improved  (Read 9684 times)


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Most Improved
« on: April 29, 2004, 08:39:03 PM »
Okay, I'm not being sour grapes here, but I do want something clarified since I worked hard on my average.  According to what I read in WIBC rules, MIB is determined by the point difference between your end average and your beginning average (to a whole pin).  Now it is the beginning average that gets me:

New bowlers go by the 21 game rule, right? Rule 56d
Returning to league bowlers go by end of last season? Rule 56b
Bowler with last season book average, but in a new area/league goes by last year.  Rule 56c

Here's the deal.  Last year (my first)I ended with a 156 in my only league.
This year I finished with a 174 (amazing what spare shooting can do for you) in the same league as last year and a 168 in another league in a different house and region.  At this place they only accept scores from their region so I had to go with the 21 game rule.  It is not written down, it is just their "rule".  Well, by 21 games there I was already within 5 pins of my final average. The winner had an 8 pin increase and was in the same league last year.  They get nothing for this accomplishment.  My actual 12.47 pins meant nothing.  I shrugged it off since I didn't feel the 168 was my best anyway.

Well, in my returning league the secretary took the average of improvement from the 21 game mark for every bowler (we didn't know she was doing this until the awards were announced).  So in that case the extra work I put in which increased my average about 5 pins before the season and the rest during the season was unrecognized.  Now, in this league you get $20.  At 18.79 pins improvement, I would have blown everyone (returners and new bowlers) out of the water.  The winner was a new bowler who went from a 95 at 21 weeks to 108.44 final for a 13.44 increase.  I'm happy she did so great and I have encouraged her all season, but she basically went from putting the ball in the gutter to keeping it on the lane.  At this rate, next year I will have to go from 174 to over 186 which we all know is much harder to do since it is about stringing strikes.

Now besides the principle of it, there is this side of me that wants a pat on the back.  See, I am the best bowler on this league (not saying much, but it means something since I also have the 10th highest women's series (666) and game (264) at this house so the shot is not easy to score on - I am just lined up with it pretty good).  As a result everyone thinks I have always been a 174 bowler. Since memories are short (how many women really remember other women's averages anyway?) the returners have no recollection of last year's 156 finish.  Half the league is new and has always thought I was a "good" bowler.  Just having people hear that I went from 156 to 174 meant something to me -- I admit it.  Many on the league are 150s bowlers and they have gotten so they are "settling" for that.  I try to tell them that they can work on their shot too and they just respond "Oh, you're just a natural."  Okay, I think I am almost at the end of my rant.  The secretary makes these rules decisions without input all the time and it annoys me. It is not her job. She just got revoted in -- excuse being "she has the computer program already."  Who cares!  The league paid for it and we pay the secretary to get it right.  Next year I was voted VP -- the president is also on my team.  The rules will not be so arbitrary in the future. I'd be ragging on this even if it was someone else beaten out of a fair shot at MIB -- three other returners would have also been higher than the person who got it if last year's averages were used.

Bottom line: Anyone else use the 21 game rule for MIB regardless?  Not having a written change, should it have been this way?



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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2004, 12:18:59 PM »
True enough.  But if not me missing out on a recognition due to a misapplied rule, then someone else missed out.  I know that the three other bowlers who would have qualified for the recognition/cash would have felt better about their games as well.  None of them are "better" bowlers (all in the 120s-130's), but they are bowlers who got better. None of them got any other individual awards and a few didn't even get a team award.

I'm probably on this more because the secretary made a bad call, not her first, and it irks me. For some people, improving may be the only award they will ever get and it does mean something to be improving when you have never been good.  We do not get a plaque, we get cash - $20. I wouldn't torch it but I would by the team drinks like I did with some of my winnings last night.

So back to the bottom line: was the rule properly enforced or not?  How would you feel if a rule was not applied properly and it went against you or another bowler? Should a secretary be making these decisions?  What if the decision is made and "final" before anyone has a chance to correct it?  What would you do?

Edited on 4/30/2004 12:18 PM


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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2004, 12:23:42 PM »
I improved 39 pins this year, and still someone improved more than that, and got the award. I would have liked it, since this was my first year bowling, and I improved alot.
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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2004, 12:32:32 PM »
Serice, I understand how you feel. My first league, I went from a previous summer season ending 115 (yeah, I was worse than bad), to a 148 at the end of the next summer season. That's +35 pins, or quite an improvement in my mind. But we have the "All awards are determined based on the average set after *#* games (12 in this case because it was a summer league). It's a rule that's been put in place by every league I've bowled since I started bowling a little over two years ago. Personally, I think the rule leads to some poor bowling at the beginning of the season by some people just so they can set a lower average and then shoot it up by the end of the season. No, I don't THINK that, I KNOW that. I've heard a couple of people discussing setting a low 21-game average just for the handicap and award possibilities.

While Bones has a good point -- no I don't want to be the MIB anymore -- it sure would have been nice to get the recognition as a beginner for having improved so dramatically in the span of one league season. I've decided to set the bar a little higher than MIB. I want to beat the woman who ALWAYS gets the high average award, so I'm looking for a 180+ average this season. Seems like a bit of a jump, but in reality, it's only another +32 from last year's improvement. I think I'm up to the challenge.

It's just a matter of a vote at the beginning of the next season to get that rule changed. Propose it, state your reasons for using last season's book as the benchmark, and then take the vote. If your proposal passes, the secretary has no choice but to base the award on the previous season's ending book.

Good luck!



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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2004, 12:39:58 PM »
serice --

"It's just a matter of a vote at the beginning of the next season to get that rule changed. Propose it, state your reasons for using last season's book as the benchmark, and then take the vote. If your proposal passes, the secretary has no choice but to base the award on the previous season's ending book."

Deb said it all.  The exact method of determining ALL awards should be spelled out in your league rules and strictly obeyed.  Then there's no argument.  --  JohnP


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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2004, 12:42:24 PM »
Serice - I understand your frustration... Believe me. Great bowling, by the way!

But - if the league rules state 21 games, they trump the ABC/WIBC rules. If the rules were approved by the league or league board of directors, the only thing you can do is try to change the rule next year. If the rules were NOT approved by a vote, the problems are far more serious.

Last season, I was the most improved in the WHOLE league (fropm 198-220.5), and I have both ABC and WIBC cards. However, I did not receive the ABC award, because according to the league secretary, that award goes to the MAN who is most improved. Sigh. I didn't fight it.

This season, in a short season league full of beginners, the rules stated that most improved went from the FIRST week of bowling. Well, I bowled like worm crap the first week - and ended up snagging most improved. I refused it, because the "improved" average was 26 pins BELOW my book. (told you I started out BAAAAD!!)

I think that the most improved award is intended to recognize those huge leaps of consciousness that is usually achieved by the beginning bowler. It serves as great encouragement, although we "seasoned" folks know it's all in the math - meaning, as you said, going from 95 to anything is just learning how to keep the ball on the lane, and an improvement in the higher ranges is much more difficult.

The "advice" I would offer would be to pick your battles wisely - it sounds like there is more afoot and afoul in this league than this award.
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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2004, 12:52:45 PM »
Debina... good luck with that goal!

As for approaching the secretary, the president has approached her several times about making rules calls without consulting her or the team captains.

I have become a bit of a rules person and the bowlers often come to me for clarifications.  I have had to bring to the attention of the officers several corrections that actually "hurt" me or my team's position.  But, of course, ill gotten gain isn't worth it.  Example, I had a gutter jump 10 pin spare that everyone missed seeing since they were talking.  Without the spare, we lose the game and second place is at risk with only 2 weeks left in the season.  I inform the teams and make the change.  Everyone knows I'm fair and looking out for what is right, so the issue of personal gain would not come up.


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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2004, 01:05:39 PM »
True Mumzie -- I know that if my "improvement" was based on a bad start rather than a real improvement, I would refuse it to.  Since last year was my beginning season and this year did show a huge leap of improvement and skill vs. luck that it was a real achievement.  Probably one that will not come along again if this 21 game ruling is used.  I work hard on my game over the summer and am already on the rise long before the 21 games are in effect.  If effect, the rule punishes those who practice during off season and can reward sandbaggers.

Our real problem with both leagues is that they have no written exception.  In one it is the "assumed" rule to use 21 games if you have not bowled in their region before.  The other, I think the secretary didn't fully research the rule.  I think she went by the ruling used by another league that has a written 21 game rule.  It is my feeling that, if you are given the responsibility and you are being paid for it, get it right.

I'd never expect a change because I wouldn't want to disappoint the girl who was recognized.  And if I were to challenge it at this point, I would remove myself and let the next true winner get it just so it did not appear to be personal gain.  I got plenty of awards.  I just am disgusted on principle.


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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2004, 02:43:06 PM »
Serice - place your disgust where it belongs - on the league board of directors for allowing league mismanagement to occur. This includes the officers AND team captains.

Most people who get elected to any position other than secretary or treasurer assume there is no work or responsibilty attached to the position - other than league president running meetings, etc.
I constantly run into people who don't understand that a team captain has REAL work to do in that position - as do president, VP, etc...

You might ask your association to hold a class called league officer 101 and team captain 101 to acquaint people to what's expected...
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 - Lou Holtz
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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2004, 06:13:58 PM »
We have the same problem in most of the leagues out here.  The problem is the secretaries do not do there job.  The house does the sheets and can easily set the program to identify MIB from 21 game ave.  So since the secretaries don't do the work, calculate book to end difference, the house uses the 21 game to end difference.  Unfortunately that rewards the wrong person in many instances.

Bones, I do not consider it an insult to receive MIB when it is calculated correctly.  If it is calculated from entering book to end of season, that means I worked on my game throughout the year and raised my average as a result.  2 years ago my high book was 171, last year I booked 183, a 12 pin increase.  I am proud of that achievement.  This year I booked 194, another increase I am proud of.  If it is from 21 game to end, then I agree, sort of.  But again, it indicates that despite a poor start, I was able to work on my game  and finish well.  It's all a mater of perspective.

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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2004, 03:12:25 PM »
Like bones said, no regular bowler wants to get the MIB award.  That is usually an award for new bowlers just learning to bowl and improving their game as they go.

  However, due to odd circumstances, I am leading my league in this department and am a little embaeassed by it.

  At the first of the year, I was having personal problems and after 21 games had a 192 average.  I usually average 215-220.  After getting my things worked out, I am now at the 212 level, but according to the secretary, I am leading in the MIB because after 21 games you re-rate your average, whether it is up OR down so mine went down to 192, and since then has been raised back to 212.

  Only three weeks remain in the league, so I cant quit now, my team needs the points, but NOBODY can catch me as I am 7 pins ahead of anybody else and am on a hot streak.

  Boy, I feel bad about it, and I didn't do it on purpose, but sometimes it just works out this way.
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Re: Most Improved
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2004, 05:00:37 PM »
If you know that you were not a 192 bowler and it was a fluke ... tell the secretary to give the award to the #2 slot.  As was said before, juat having a bad start on the year when you know you are a much better bowler would not make me feel like I was really a "improved" bowler, just one who got their head out of the a-- before any real damage was done.

As for Bones statement about the award being for newer bowlers.  What clasifies "new,"  for example, let's say you bowled one year in a mixed league with some neighbors just to get out.  You never thought about being a better bowler. It was recreation. Then, at the end of the year you decide that bowling really has more to it and you decide to get real about your bowling.  No longer are you going to just loft the ball down there and hope for the best. So, season two starts and you got from a 135 to a 152.  You aren't the best bowler, you may not even have a top three handicap game or series, but consistently each week you average went up and up and up.  You are most improved, but you already have a year of league play on the books.  No award for you.  

Hey, if the local bowling alley jocks find it to be a disgrace to win MIB, then opt out of it.  Do it quietly.  Maybe have it stated at the start of the year that in your league any bowler who would like to decline the award for MIB can do so now.  Do it before it is ever an issue.  Now, as for me, I've played plenty of organized sports.  I'll never be the superstar, which is fine because I'm the hustler who works hard to get better all the time.  I'm happy to have it said of me that I improved and 20 years from now, I hope I am still improving.