Underrated = something typical bowlers look over or look at with disgust because they A) don't know anything about it and B) are scared to try it thinking its a piece of crap because nobody else is throwing it.
I think its funny because my home center pushes Ebonite and Hammer stuff because they are a distributor. But all you see are No Mercy's, Black Widows, and NV's and when you ask about even these companies' midprice line they say they are junk (not many if any Vibes, or GameBreakers or anything like that being thrown).
Alot of balls even from the bigger companies (BVP line among others) are being looked over and down upon. I asked a question (knowing I would get a negative response) about the BVP line, and I was told they were throw away balls that soak up oil quickly and are junk in 6 months because they are made with "less quality" resins... What a load of CRAP! It's all great equipment, along with the stuff from Visionary, L/LM, AMF, Track and even some of the newer companies are putting out some good stuff (900G and Banger).
My overlooked/underrated picks goes to:
FMG from Visionary
Track Rising
Nobody has Track around here and we came across one for my Fiance used, and she absolutely loves it.
Edited on 3/15/2008 8:54 PM