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Author Topic: A Rant on League Babys  (Read 3301 times)


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A Rant on League Babys
« on: December 16, 2008, 04:29:03 AM »
Last week in League we were finishing up practice when we noticed the team next to us getting wound up. They were not bowling against us, they were on the pair next to us, and have been most of the season. They seem like a decent bunch, just get a little excited when they are winning.
 Back to the problem. I ask my teammate what is up and he says they have no opponent. I look at the board and see the names of the guys they are bowling and think it strange that no one is here yet. When League starts they rush to the line and start bowling. Three bowlers into their game two guys show from the other team, and they start bowling faster. As soon as they cycle trough the Captain runs to the Secretary and has him come down. The opposing team is still getting ready and settled in. When their first bowler gets up to bowl the other team starts yelling that he can't start bowling. When he asks why the Sec. states they forfeit the first game. We are watching in disbelief at what is going on. While this is going on two more show up from this team and are getting ready to bowl. The Sec is trying to explain that because they were not here at time of start they forfeit that game and calm down the irrate Captain while the other Captain is trying to move arrows on the overhead so his team can continue.
 To the end of the first game: These guys that were on time have not won many games this season and are all excited that they just "took" two points from the other guys. The next two games they took a beating from the late team. When all is said and done they Captian from the late team heads to the Sec. and starts cursing him for not letting them bowl.
 I went home after that night and told my wife about it and she told me to ignore hese guys and they will go away. Unfortunatly we bowl the late team this week and will still have the other team beside us.
 I know that the late team should have been on time but the other guys were just being childish about rush to the line. I also think the late Captain owes the Sec. an apollogy, it was not his fault they had to forfeit. :rant:

 Sorry to Rant but I work with non-bowlers and they don't understand. But this helps deal with it.
Ted Domey
 Columbia Resurgence
 Columbia Momentum
 Hammer Black Widow (Retired)
 Hammer Hawg (Retired)
 Ebonite Big Time Pearl
 I used to bowl Candlepin, but I have found Tenpin, and will Candlepin no more.

** A Sinner Can Reform, But Stupid is Forever.**



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Re: A Rant on League Babys
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2008, 12:33:11 PM »
 I was thinking #4 was correct. We call them Two Sacks (Duece Bags) around here, that way we don't offend the woman and children.
Ted Domey
 Columbia Resurgence
 Columbia Momentum
 Hammer Black Widow (Retired)
 Hammer Hawg (Retired)
 Ebonite Big Time Pearl
 I used to bowl Candlepin, but I have found Tenpin, and will Candlepin no more.

** A Sinner Can Reform, But Stupid is Forever.**