Hey all, this summer I am planning to change my spare game up a little. I had a rough season with it and yesterday it cost me advancing in a regional. I use the Trimax system but I flatten my wrist and throw underneath the ball. This season it just didn't feel right. I use plastic also which is not changing. What do the majority of you do? Flatten the wrist or throw your first ball hand position?
It depends on what I shooting at. Most times I flatten it out more like J_Mac describes. When I want or need a little hook, I'll throw it closer to the way I normally release a strike ball.
In order to help you, we have to know what is wrong, how are you missing spares?
FYI If you are trying to throw it faster than your strike ball, you could be throwing off your timing and your footwork. Most plastic or polished urethanes don't hook much to begin with and it's easier to throw your normal ball than it is to change anything in release or timing, UNLESS you are rev dominant.