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Author Topic: Motiv website  (Read 14762 times)


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Motiv website
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:42:06 PM »
The info for the jackals was supposed to be up today...just checked and nothing.



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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2016, 03:47:58 PM »
Check now...they have an update. Or just read the topic showing new info.


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2016, 03:48:27 PM »
It's not tomorrow yet is it?
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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 03:55:16 PM »
This is the statment made by MOTIV and will be posted on their website.:

At MOTIV, we are always focused on our customers and working hard to give bowlers the opportunity to reach their full potential on the lanes. As you are no doubt aware, the USBC made a ruling on March 15, 2016 to immediately revoke the approval previously granted to the Motiv Jackal Carnage and original Jackal balls, stating they determined the balls do not comply with current USBC specifications and requirements. We are in the process of requesting more information from the USBC and wanting to ask them many questions so that we can better understand the details behind their decision and determine the next steps to address this situation.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and trouble that this situation has caused so many of you, our loyal and valued customers, and we want you to know that we are working diligently around the clock to arrive at a fair and reasonable resolution. We sincerely appreciate the huge outpouring of support for Motiv and your belief in us.

We understand that people want answers and action now, and please understand that it is our objective to get this situation addressed as soon as possible. We believe that both balls should be reinstated on the USBC Approved Ball List, and we are reaching out to the USBC to have meaningful, effective dialogue to resolve this matter together in a manner that is best for all those affected by the USBC's decision and ruling, especially you the bowlers, pro shops, bowling alleys, and enthusiasts. Therefore, we ask for your patience as we continue to work toward this goal.

Understandably, pro shops and bowlers are asking for specific answers about a ball replacement process. Please understand that we cannot provide those details yet as we hope to communicate directly with the USBC as well as finish reviewing each country's legislation and consider the proper procedure for each. Once we have further information and details, which we expect very soon, we will let everyone know and provide you with details on how to proceed.

In the meantime, please hold onto your Jackal and/or Jackal Carnage bowling ball. Do not destroy, discard, or damage the ball in any way.

Thank you very much for your support, patience, and understanding during this very difficult time.


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2016, 03:58:34 PM »
I can't WAIT for them to come to an agreement to grandfather the Jackals in and cease production until the core can be retooled, and hear all the people upset they aren't getting a new ball for free now because they couldn't use their Jackal for a couple weeks . .
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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2016, 04:15:15 PM »
I can't WAIT for them to come to an agreement to grandfather the Jackals in and cease production until the core can be retooled, and hear all the people upset they aren't getting a new ball for free now because they couldn't use their Jackal for a couple weeks . .

This would be my favorite outcome. Nothing else in Motiv's lineup cleanly fits something that's missing in my bag. I've never actually thrown my Carnage either, it had just gotten drilled the Friday before the announcement and I was going to try it out in league that Tuesday night. :(


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2016, 04:17:53 PM »
If the Jackals are consistently testing out at greater than .060 diff for both models, I don't think grandfathering is the right call.

However, on the other hand, I would rather be able to use my Jackals in sanctioned play than get replacement balls and then either have to pay to get the replacement balls drilled or have a PSO give labor and/or product away for free.


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2016, 04:49:59 PM »
I can't WAIT for them to come to an agreement to grandfather the Jackals in and cease production until the core can be retooled, and hear all the people upset they aren't getting a new ball for free now because they couldn't use their Jackal for a couple weeks . .

That's what should happen. We hope against hope it will happen, but both you and I know the USBC will never recant. Again, just like the Glenn Allison case.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2016, 04:53:23 PM »
OMG...This is beginning to sound like the run-a-round. the usbc will not reapprove these balls....Do they want to look dumber then they already look. Might as well just throw them in the trash...the word "dialog" means forever in legal terms.


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2016, 04:54:39 PM »
The tolerance used to be .080, and when it was reduced to .060, all balls now illegal were grandfathered in, so there are balls still in use out there with differentials in the .070s.  Whether by change of rules, or mistake or oversight by USBC, the Jackals were approved originally.  It's such a slight and marginal difference that is literally not noticeable.  What if it turns out USBC didn't do their due diligence in approval?  The original Jackals were testing out a full thousandth higher than the Carnages, so if the Jackals have been coming out over spec, how on earth did the Carnage get approved in the first place?  Same core, same core molds.  If the Jackals were over, the Carnages HAD to have been also. 

If the Jackals are consistently testing out at greater than .060 diff for both models, I don't think grandfathering is the right call.

However, on the other hand, I would rather be able to use my Jackals in sanctioned play than get replacement balls and then either have to pay to get the replacement balls drilled or have a PSO give labor and/or product away for free.
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2016, 04:56:57 PM »
True, but there may be a legal precedent here.  If USBC was negligent and approved balls that were in fact illegal because they weren't doing their due diligence, or their processes were unfair, or unlawful, they may in turn be held liable for the cost of all the replacements.  If all the sudden USBC gets the bill for 1 million plus, it may be a VERY different story.

I can't WAIT for them to come to an agreement to grandfather the Jackals in and cease production until the core can be retooled, and hear all the people upset they aren't getting a new ball for free now because they couldn't use their Jackal for a couple weeks . .

That's what should happen. We hope against hope it will happen, but both you and I know the USBC will never recant. Again, just like the Glenn Allison case.
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2016, 04:57:56 PM »
I just looked on and didnt see an update...Did they take it down already?


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2016, 05:01:28 PM »
Hopefully Motiv sues the usbc and wins...This smelled like crap from day 1. BUT that being said....I think we can forget about replacement balls...


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2016, 05:01:52 PM »
No. It's still there. They're taking e-mail addresses to send updates.


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Re: Motiv website
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2016, 05:05:40 PM »
12XSECH, there's a lot more to this than just a couple of balls being out of spec and yeah it really stinks.