nd it always happens when it means something,league,pot bowling ,which i dont do ,tourneys,which I rarely do,because i cant carry!!! Solid 7 solid 10,9 9 9 ,8,7 10. Is it ball selection not reading the lanes hand position not staying down on the shot,or just everythiung about me and bowling are like two ships passing in the night, a chance good game every once in a blue moon. I am sick of being a lucky bowler how do i become consistent,or is it even possible. I have bad traights ,physically i am over weight,have bad knees and never learned to slide,but most times i have overcome these and do ok. Now i am trying to move up a rung,trying to find the confidence to do more with bowling,its as if there is a force that is hindering my success. I know thats stupid,but i am really frustrated and it doesnt seem to be anything i can do to change it. you guys dont reply to beat me up i am good enough at that myself ,i am gonna call a coach this week.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling