Cool Topic,
Me too,has the slump bug!Mine was on wednseday night.I started off pretty
ok,my first series was 211/207/178 for an ok series of 596
(aka choked a 6-0-0 by 4,hhhlol!!)
BTW its a SPORT shot night,with 32 feet of Crisco Oil,LOL!!
A 138/143/168 for what the heck happen to me series of 449.
The next two sets of series where bad and ok minus!!
I had a 153/142/202 for a 497,hoo hoo!
Lastly I had a 199/198/146 for better series of 543,ann,I'll live!
A note on the two 190ish games,the 199 game I had 5 strikes in a row from
the 2nd frame ta 6th,choked some key spares late in the game!
Same for the 198 too,five in a row,1st ta 5th,Whaaaa happened?
Same again,later half of game,ugggghhh,SPARES ARE A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo,me too has a slump bug.
In my opinion,slump bugs just happen,I dunno how?I had them before and
before I'm 93(aka I hope I get a sanctioned 300 by then,let alone last that long to get it,lol!!!!)WILL HAPPEN again,yuck!!!
My slump bug is mind related,because bonehead me(aka me) let a stupid
jinx(aka my arch enemy Waldo) mess with my brain about my snapping
at my follow through against my speed.Whatever he said to me made no sense,BUT
it has really affected my bowling the last 2 weeks.Yayaaayyaaa he got into my friggin' head!!!
I call it the Waldo curse!Also he is a fliffer and throws the ball like the
Florist of FTD.
Also I met a neato woman too,thats a another reason I cant bowl too good
either.Thinking about a certian woman CAN affect your bowling!!!
In my case its bad bowling,lol!!!Also haven't concentrated too much on
other stuff as well,oops,wrong topic!!
I have league night tonight,I hope I can beat this curse of Waldo!
Leter peeps!