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Author Topic: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls  (Read 4652 times)


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(QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:27:34 AM »
I've been noticing ( for a while ) that lots of people are/have been posting about how their scores and averages have gone up all because they bought a new ball.  About how the ball is so great and it does things my old one wouldn't, and the carry is fantastic.

  Here's my question: Why post about your scores and your average going up WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE A THING?

  I mean, you're no better than before.  You don't have a better release, you don't hit your mark more often, and you miss just as many spares as ever, yet you brag that you scores and average have gone up because you bought another ball that strikes FOR you more than your old one did.  IS THIS REALLY SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT?

  I've gotten over how technology has changed/is changing the game. I understand that scores are going to be higher than ever.  What I want to know is, WHY BE SO PROUD OF AN INCREASE IN YOUR SCORES WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and YOU HAVEN'T IMPROVED AT ALL? ALL YOU DID WAS BUY A STUPID BOWLING BALL!

  By all means, take advantage of the technology available, just QUIT BRAGGING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! If you sucked before, YOU STILL SUCK, you just got a ball capable of helping you get around that fact.

 C'mon guys, get real.  Quit bragging about how your scores are so much higher than before because now you have "BRAND-X" in your bag instead of "BRAND-Y" because, if that is the reason your scores are 20 pins higher, you are WAY TOO BALL DEPENDENT.

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2008, 09:07:56 PM »
The truth is that there are very few people who actually know anything about ball reaction, how to accurately review a ball, and why ball X helped them score higher.

The majority of people equate high scores with being a good bowler.

 EXACTLY!  But that's like saying being able to have an orgasm makes you a great lover!
 People really need to learn the difference.

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 01:38:14 PM »

 EXACTLY!  But that's like saying being able to have an orgasm makes you a great lover!

That doesn't make you a great lover?
Me: "These lanes are tight. I have 2 boards!"
My buddy with front 8: "Me too!"
Me: "Yeah, but yours both have arrows on them, and an arrow in between!"


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 01:41:58 PM »
I've been noticing ( for a while ) that lots of people are/have been posting about how their scores and averages have gone up all because they bought a new ball.  About how the ball is so great and it does things my old one wouldn't, and the carry is fantastic.

  Here's my question: Why post about your scores and your average going up WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE A THING?

  I mean, you're no better than before.  You don't have a better release, you don't hit your mark more often, and you miss just as many spares as ever, yet you brag that you scores and average have gone up because you bought another ball that strikes FOR you more than your old one did.  IS THIS REALLY SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT?

  I've gotten over how technology has changed/is changing the game. I understand that scores are going to be higher than ever.  What I want to know is, WHY BE SO PROUD OF AN INCREASE IN YOUR SCORES WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and YOU HAVEN'T IMPROVED AT ALL? ALL YOU DID WAS BUY A STUPID BOWLING BALL!

  By all means, take advantage of the technology available, just QUIT BRAGGING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! If you sucked before, YOU STILL SUCK, you just got a ball capable of helping you get around that fact.

 C'mon guys, get real.  Quit bragging about how your scores are so much higher than before because now you have "BRAND-X" in your bag instead of "BRAND-Y" because, if that is the reason your scores are 20 pins higher, you are WAY TOO BALL DEPENDENT.

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My name is Necromancer, and I approve of this message.

I usually look for hidden gems from back in the day for balls strictly for the LULZ factor and knowing I am rolling with something no one else on the lanes has.  Every now and then I will get a modern top ball like a Black Widow or Fury.  But I usually laugh at all those morons I see in tournaments or in league or on here that must buy every new ball that comes out and piss their pants when their average goes up 10-20 pins.  Hell, my average goes up 10-20 pins just by moving right and playing a more direct line.  Screw the hook.  Hooking is overrated as hell and true skill requires knowing how to bowl in the first place.
Current Arsenal
Brunswick Fury
Columbia 300 EPX T1
Storm X-Factor Vertigo
Hammer Black Widow
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb Solid
Brunswick Quantum Helix
Brunswick Quantum Double Helix
Storm Recharge
Columbia 300 SuperBeast
Storm Hit Blue Pearl
Brunswick Target Spare Zone
Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
Averages: Fall/Winter Sub 2007 213.000 Fall/Winter Season 2006 206.467 2006-07 Year 213.067 2007 Tourney 178.029

2006-07 League Champions
2007-08 League Champions
2008-09 Three-Peat???

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

6'0" and ~210lbs @10% BF
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling

Maine Man

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 01:56:28 PM »
Just ask many of the "pro" bowlers on BR doubles for advice on equipment.  I mean, with all the 230 + averages on there, they must be able to help you out and give a good review.  
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2008, 02:10:13 PM »
The new equiptment if matched up correctly can give more room for error.....some bowling balls are MUCH MUCH more forgiving to a hand release mistake, some will come back better when you miss targets. I am not saying by any means...."buy a new ball and have your average jump" But it can help.

Walking E

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2008, 02:10:20 PM »
We should just have Dale Jenkins write all the reviews around here
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2008, 06:10:32 PM »
I just like to get a new ball every once in a while.  Why?  Because I want to and I can.  Well, I can if my wife lets me!


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2008, 07:19:09 PM »
I dont know why, but everyone in my area has been looking for, getting, and throwing older equipment.  I guess its got something to do with the hardness and the compound of materials used to make the covers or something because all of our centers have been becoming frictiony here lately (is that a word?).  

Long story short.  Alot of bowlers are pretty good and accurate when they can play in their "zone".  I've noticed this alot.  If bowler X can find a way to play in the area between 8-15, it doesn't matter the condition (sport or ths, depending how the bowlers are breaking down the shot that day and assuming it lets him continue to play this area) he will be very consistant, and if he can find a way to carry he will score well.  Take him away from that area and he will be absolutely lost on what to do to adjust and be comfortable/consistant and will fall apart and bowl badly most of the time..  

Because of the friction at my home houses here recently, alot of people have been looking for stuff so they can get back to the right farther and play a more direct line in their comfort zone, because they aren't comfortable getting left and pushing the ball right.  A bowling center near me has ALOT of old balls from hammer, ebonite, brunswick, etc.  And to use in this example, a guy recently had an old FAball berry Razor drilled up about 3 weeks ago and he shot 823 with it last Monday..  Who says old equipment doesn't hack it any more .

And while a change like that in equipment may help a bowler pick up their scores,  it doesn't mean they are a bad bowler.  Some situations calls for different equipment to be successful, and with the temperature and stuff changing it seems like this area doesn't hold the oil like it used to, and it transitions quick with people throwing new stuff and it's becoming a mess. If people find a way to cope with it and help themselves get more comfortable so they can do what they can do best, thats good for them.  I'm not going to hate on them for it.

You're most likely not going to beat another bowler on your level of execution if the pattern is 45 ft. and he has some resin in his hand and all you have is manhattan rubber.



Edited on 11/8/2008 8:35 PM