Tuesday night,
I watch a few 210-220 avg. bowlers STRUGGLE mightly on a tougher condition. Most of these guys had the most horrible approach you have ever seen. I cannot explain it, this is just one of those you have to believe me when I tell you cases. It's not like these guys were shooting 170's, these guys were consistently shooting 130-140's. I bowled on the condition and it was tough but it was not 130-140 tough. In the past, you have heard me use the term "help those who cannot help themselves" and this was an apparent case of that. None of these guys could consistently get their ball to the pocket.
I know their is a big difference in a THS and a sport condition, but the shot gave a bowler the ability to play any part of the lane they wished so long as they stayed accurate. I think that accuracy is something that is preached but not practiced. I learned the old fashioned way, with tape on your mark and breakpoint, how to be accurate. I think that some bowlers skip over this step and then complain when the condition requires it. Any examples or comments out there on this?
But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Jeremiah 10:10