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Author Topic: Mumzie - Accuracy a detriment ?  (Read 830 times)


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Mumzie - Accuracy a detriment ?
« on: April 05, 2004, 10:21:39 PM »
Rather than hijack another thread. I'll start a new one.

I ahve heard others say this before. That accuracy is a detriment on a house shot.

I can’t see how being accurate is ever a detriment even on a house shot.

If you are accurate you will definitely pick up more spares and you will most likely hit the pocket more often.

The only advantage I can see is if on a house shot a bowler didn’t just free wheel the ball enough (they tended to place their shots) then carry might become somewhat of an issue.

But I would always take accuracy.



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Re: Mumzie - Accuracy a detriment ?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2004, 01:36:43 PM »
I’ll agree that the looser, un-muscled, non-hit swing is better on the tougher conditions.

But as you said repeatability is the key. And if you get the line at the same place, with the same arm swing, same ball speed, same turn, then you almost automatically become accurate.


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Re: Mumzie - Accuracy a detriment ?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2004, 03:06:48 PM »
Ok, assuming your swing is just as loose and fluid on a house shot (in reality probably more so) what would be the disadvantage of being accurate as well?


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Re: Mumzie - Accuracy a detriment ?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2004, 04:38:07 PM »
I didn't explain myself very well when I said that accuracy can be a detriment on a house shot. First of all, to set the record straight - I have NEVER said that accuracy is a bad thing on spares. It is the ONLY thing on spares.

Otherwise, here's why I said what I did:
1. If I can find a line to the pocket that will strike a reasonable amount of the time, I tend to stay there. I may or may not be at the best carry line, but it'll "keep me out of trouble". If I was flinging the ball through an 8 board area, I'd probably find more lines that would work.

2. I can be very, very, very accurate. This costs me - because if I use a more aggressive hand position, by necessity, my accuracy goes down. The reverse is true as well. This has to do with the amount of wrist and hand movement at the moment of release - the more movement, the more power (you know what I mean, here...the right kind of movement), but accuracy can be lost because of lack of repetition - repeating shots is harder the more movement and variability that exists.

3. Sometimes, on a tight shot (or one that is playing that way for me), I do tighten up a bit. That also hurts a lot.

AND - Rod voiced the other side of the detriment very well:

Meanwhile, I'm getting killed by someone revving it 3 times as much as me on 10 different boards and pins coming flying from everywhere carrying his single pins while mine are still standing.

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