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Author Topic: muscle strain in hand/wrist  (Read 1338 times)

Mr Hurt24

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muscle strain in hand/wrist
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:13:04 PM »
Two weeks ago, i experienced sharp pain somewhere between my wrist and hand on my bowling hand(right-handed). It only hurts when i release the ball. When my hand is in the cup position I feel no pain but when I uncup my hand and go up the back of the ball, I feel a very sharp pain somewhere in my hand and wrist. And on top of that, I put a muscle on my left side last week from sticking on the approach and leaning too far down and left a bad pull somewhere under my rib cage. I got muscle relaxer and pain pills but reaggrevated tonight while trying to make a ten pin. But the real issue is my hand, because i cant put anything on the ball without my hand/wrist hurting. Can anyone tell what could this be or have experience this problem?

I had the worst night in league in 6 years and shot 488 and let my team down. Maybe I came back too soon.

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Edited on 12/28/2009 9:14 PM

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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 07:03:26 AM »
i dont know much about wrist or arm pain but a few years ago i pulled the tendons or whatever in my abs and i kept bowling and one day I felt some pops and there came the pain.

took about another 1 1/2 before it healed after having this pain for 3 years prior.

i guess the only thing that heals these things is time and relaxation. unfortunately bowling is not one of those

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Edited on 12/29/2009 8:04 AM

Edited on 12/29/2009 8:04 AM


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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 07:35:30 AM »
I developed what the doctor said was a ganglion cist on my right wrist just infront of the wrist bone. When it swells it protrude out larger than the wrist bone...kinda looks like I have two wrist bones. While the cist isself does not hurt, the pressure the cist applies to the under lying tendons DOES and actually causes my ring and pinky finger to goto sleep. So I had it operated on as the Dr. was reluctant (being that the cist could have developed within the tendions (which is dangerous to be digging around in.) After the surgery the doctor proclaimed success however, it is back. Not nearly as big and now strangly shapped... but does not cause pain or loss of feeling. I hope you are not in the same situation.
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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 07:48:18 AM »
I recently did some modifications to my physical bowling game (straightening out the push away, stay inside the ball, etc...) I aggravated the tendons by extending way too far in the pushaway (elbow came almost to a lock) which applied way too much pressure to my elbow, wrist and middle/ring finger tendons.  Doc had me take 2-3 weeks off with some medication (steroids for the swelling and inflammation)  During this 2 week hiatus I reviewed some video I had done and noticed the change in Push-a-Way (cause and effect) and have corrected it and been pain free for the last year and a half.

However, if it is not a physical game change, it could be a loss of flexibility that has changed your span or pitches or both.. go get your hand refitted and check that against your equipment...

Hope this helps,
James McCarter
The Bowlers Solution INC


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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 08:01:50 AM »
I had something like this happen. The reason I figured out for myself was that when going from the cupped wrist to the release my tendons for my middle and ring fingers were going stretched to slack very quickly. I would suggest taking a few weeks off and seeing how it feels. If it continues as a problem I would suggest maybe less cupping of your wrist.
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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2009, 08:29:35 AM »
How''s your span?  In the past I''ve had pain from my span being a bit too long. Found out from a better driller that my spans had been too long for years, and one day my wrist just had enough and started bothering me.  Since I''ve refitted everything to shorten my span a bit, I''ve had no more issues.

Not saying that''s your problem, but if rest doesn''t cure it, I''d be talking to a knowledgeable driller about it to at least see if that''s a possibility.


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Edited on 12/29/2009 9:30 AM
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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2009, 08:36:17 AM »
I pretty much had same thing a few years back, of course really close to bowling state tourny where i couldn''t even hold the ball no more so much pain

It was a cyst as some 1 else said, other wise known as a Bible Cyst,

Mine was going side to side though instead of up like normal so it was putting pressure on nerves/tendons ect.. I actually once got a cortosone(sp) shot and it actually popped it or took away the problem for about a year and then came back.  They said they could do surgery however I was reluctant when said its possible to lose out on some of the strenght of that hand/wrist. So I asked whats the worst that can happen with leaving it there said have pain every so often take advil/tylenol/motron what ever your feast or famine may be and deal with it, it wont never cause no permant damage as they do pop and yes can grow back, heck said even after surgery they can grow back, which another person stated ?? heck then why have that surgery??? to help it out yes it makes me feel older then I am, when having problems I wear a good strong wrist brace from walgreens to drive in/sleep in ect.. not sure how this helps it but after a couple of days the pain usually starts going down and then gone, combination of that with the medicene i think.  

Hope this helps you and yes it sucks, I did try bowling with a wrist brace 1x with it acting up where I could hardly throw the ball and couldn''t do crap I think i shot like 502 or something, so I took a week off with doing the above said and came back fine was able to bowl state, some side tournies down there and ect with no problems, wasn''t as fresh as I wanted to be but better then not being able to bowl at all or bowling like dog poo

Also on a few drillings after that, i shortened my span like a 1/16th (i think) so just a smidge smidge smidge.. just a few things trying to help you out since I went thru it
What do you expect to see here?????

Edited on 12/29/2009 9:40 AM

Mr Hurt24

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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2009, 11:27:58 AM »
Thank you everybody for the advice. Hey icewall, I have the best name on the team period so it is ironic to have so much hurt. Well as of right now, I had my tonsils removed yesterday, pain on my side, and my hand in a big brace. I know some people have said about a cyst and I have no indication of swelling of the hand or a bump on the hand. I only have the pain when i release the ball. Any other time my hand doesnt hurt at all. I got enough drugs at the house to start my own crackhouse lol. Well ill take a few weeks off and we shall see what happens. Thanks people.

Black Widow Solid
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Edited on 12/30/2009 1:46 PM

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Mr Hurt24

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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2009, 11:31:34 AM »
Around a few months ago, I decided to channe my span once I decide to go with Vise It grip. My span went from 4-3/8 to 4-5/8. My span is really 4-11/16th but I can thrown whatever. Ill look into my span and see if that can be part of the problem.

Black Widow Solid
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Urethane Black Hammer

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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2009, 01:01:47 PM »
My span went from 4-3/8 to 4-5/8.

If you lengthened your span that's probably the issue. Lengthening the span puts extra pressure on your hand, wrist and tendons. Years ago it was thought that a stretched span was better and you could get more on the ball by doing that. Now, if you talk to most coaches and knowledgeable people they'll tell you that's not true and to go shorter.

I'd been having hand/wrist issues at the end of last season and over the summer. I had someone re-measure me and we ended up shortening my span by 1/4". My hand's felt great ever since then.

Another person I bowl with was having the same issue a couple of months ago. I recommended they look into reducing their span. After consulting with their pro shop guy they shortened their span and the pain went away.

I'd definitely look into getting your span shortened. Based on my past experiences it sounds like you have tendonitis, but if the pain continues I'd definitely go see a doctor.


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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2009, 01:18:40 PM »
My span went from 4-3/8 to 4-5/8.

If you lengthened your span that's probably the issue. Lengthening the span puts extra pressure on your hand, wrist and tendons. Years ago it was thought that a stretched span was better and you could get more on the ball by doing that. Now, if you talk to most coaches and knowledgeable people they'll tell you that's not true and to go shorter.

I'd been having hand/wrist issues at the end of last season and over the summer. I had someone re-measure me and we ended up shortening my span by 1/4". My hand's felt great ever since then.

Another person I bowl with was having the same issue a couple of months ago. I recommended they look into reducing their span. After consulting with their pro shop guy they shortened their span and the pain went away.

I'd definitely look into getting your span shortened. Based on my past experiences it sounds like you have tendonitis, but if the pain continues I'd definitely go see a doctor.

Steven Vance
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Re: muscle strain in hand/wrist
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2009, 07:45:36 PM »
Go to webmd or another medical site and look up carpal tunnel syndrome.  Let us know if the symptoms fit your problem.  --  JohnP