I don't know how many of you have actually watched Robert bowl but he has a very unique ball roll and it wouldn't surprise me if he could and did strike all day long a typical house shot. I do not want to tarnish anyone here as I am certain I will never do it but to me personally the 900 series ruined the game of bowling. As the lanes got softer and the balls got stronger, to even think 900 was a true feasible score in the sport is when it began to drive away the true competitiveness it once had.
However back to Robert. He is a very nice young man who happens to bowl several PBA events including a bunch of regionals I have competed in. Most of the time he earns scholarship money and he has made a few finals if memory serves me right. At least he is out there trying to bowl on the "real" lane conditions unlike 95% of the people on here who gripe about pre-bowled 900s, people who average 250 on THS's, and never bowled on a sport pattern let alone a pba event.