Hey Ballreviews Family,
I was talking about this with my friends who bowl in my summer league.
What was the most you paid for a ball. Now I am talking the ball, with drilling, grips, slugs, etc. Ball doesn't have to be drilled by the same person you bought it from. It could've been purchased online, from a friend, a pro shop etc. and punched somewhere else. I just want to know what is the most you have spent on One Bowling ball alone after drilling.
I understand you guys overseas pay a premium for most bowling balls. I'm also interested in hearing some of your examples!
So For Example:
Ball Brand X = $189
Drilling (With Grips, Slug, W-Hole, etc.) = $45
Total --- $234
Remember, some places charge tax and some of you may have mail ordered it so you can factor shipping in too!
Food is good for you!