I also was at Junior Gold on his squad. The 1st day I was about 3 pair off to the right of Robert. From what I saw, he's not horrible. He struggled. We all did. But from his form, He might have been real lucky and bowled one of those 900's. I can't believe he did them all. He looked like a 200-210 average bowler.
The TV Crews were following him and Steven Black also. Steven was on the ESPN Telecast with Robert. The camera's didn't bother Steven at all. I saw Steven have the last 8 or 9 strikes in a row with the camera's on him. I thought for a minute he had a 300 game the way the scorers looked. I know Robert finished out of the cut and Steven made the top 16 overall.
Some of Steven's accomplishments are on
www.juniorbowlerstour.com. Also look on Bowl.com's records for Juniors and you'll see Steven's name for almost every category. 300 games, 800 series, 298 games, 299 games. But, no 900 for Steven though. IF I didn't know who was who at Junior Gold, I would have believed Steven was the one who shot the 3- 900 series. Not Robert!!