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Author Topic: my bowling videos  (Read 2705 times)


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my bowling videos
« on: May 09, 2004, 05:35:02 AM »
I'm not sure if it will work or not, but it should, so here goes...

Any and all advice you may have is appreciated...



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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2004, 08:47:36 PM »
Number one problem - your pushaway. You hold the ball a bit too far right in your stance, but when you push it away, you push it REALLY too far to the right. The ball goes too far out to the right, then it has no choice but to go behind your back in your backswing.

I have had a lot of work done for this... my uncle was helping me. He actually put my arm out to the right like that so that I wouldn't pull it out and around my body... I guess the problem hasn't really improved at all...

One other thing I noticed that no one has said yet is that I seem to be following through in front of my body... has anyone else noticed this??? And if you do, how can I fix it?

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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2004, 09:24:40 PM »
as the others have said flex your knees at the start, but instead of holding the wrist of your right hand with your left place the ball in your left hand, the left hand should take 70% of the balls weight to relax your right arm. the push the ball off at the same time as you normally do but use your left hand and just let your right arm free swing, and just at the foul line bend into the shot and stretch yourself out to lower your centre of gravity for balance

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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2004, 10:33:34 AM »
Jewls -
One other thing I noticed that no one has said yet is that I seem to be following through in front of my body... has anyone else noticed this??? And if you do, how can I fix it?

I did shed a little light about this earlier in that you are coming around the bal a little early and that causes a slight chicken wing and forces your hand to follow though in front of your body.  On your set up keep your forearm parallel to your target line and on the down swing before your release try and keep your elbow in toward the body this will help you push the ball down the lane toward the target.  It will also create more leverage by staying behind the ball longer.  Then as you get to the leverage position let the thumb release and then let the fingers come around teh side of the ball more.

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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2004, 03:16:10 PM »
I couldn't view videos 2 and 3, but #1 is defective.  You didn't get a strike.

Seriously, congrats on being the first person to ever post of video of a shot that left pins on the deck.

Your swing needs a lot of work.  Find a good coach.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2004, 04:50:14 PM »
instead of holding the wrist of your right hand with your left place the ball in your left hand

I used to do that, but I ended up getting in a lot of trouble for it. "The left hand pushes the ball away(which I did anyway), hold it underneath," etc., etc.
Your swing needs a lot of work. Find a good coach.

Thanks, I guess.... Where do you suggest I look? I'm in southern Ontario, Canada, if that helps...


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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2004, 11:28:02 PM »
ttt... anyone else have any comments/suggestions?


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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2004, 12:05:10 PM »
  IMHO, your last step and finish position is lacking. Some things are forgiving for all bowlers, feet work, armswing flare, pushaway and even hand/wrist positions, but what separates the Big Dogs happens in the last step and finish position. Like everyone else, I think more attention to steup, position of ball in stance, pushaway directly inline with target line would help tremdously at becomming more consistant. However, to take your game to the next level you need to develop a much better last step and finish position.

  After watching your videos several times, I dont necessarily agree with the need for more knee bend although I do agree you are too errect in your finish position. I see your back being straight whereby it should be leaning forward. Your chin should be above the balls of your slide foot when releasing the ball. And clearly in video 3 it is behind the foot because you have your shoulders being bup and back. Obtaining this position will increase your ball speed, increase your rev rate and provide a more stable platform for devliering the bowling ball. (This will make the bowling ball seem lighter to you as well).  Additionally, you tend to lean to the left during the release and in video 1 acutally fall off balance in that direction. This again is caused by not being in a good finish position with the shoulders squarely over your feet.

   There are some good articles by Bick Ritger at my site that explains this in much more clear fashion. But the jist here is, develop that last step and finish position to become more solid at the line and your power, accuracy and delivery will get much much better.

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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2004, 12:10:27 PM »
hmmm...slower steps definitely...


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Re: my bowling videos
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2004, 01:05:40 PM »
There are some good articles by Bick Ritger...

Dick's older brother, perhaps?

jewls, I searched for coaches in Ontario, but they don't have any listed in their database.  Ask around at the local pro shop, and among the better bowlers in your area.  You're not going to fix everything by yourself, and you'll make progress far more rapidly with good coaching now, rather than later.
Cogito ergo bowl