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Author Topic: my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?  (Read 23460 times)


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my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:28:08 AM »
Just got an email from my leaague that our center is reopening June 1st. WE need to vote on weather to finish out the season or just call it a day and do payouts as is. How about your bowling center? Have they set a reopening date yet?



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Re: my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2020, 06:05:09 PM »
Early 2021

WOW! That has to HURT.  :o

With this, it's safe to say that the TeamUSA trials are going to get pushed out past January. There's no way they could have the trials for it when a good amount of participants haven't been able to throw a ball for a year, let alone practice for it.



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Re: my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?
« Reply #107 on: September 09, 2020, 09:01:26 AM »
Pandemic effects on local bowling alleys make front-page news in my current town.(apologies if it makes you play 20 questions or subscribe before letting you read it)
The Future of Bowling: Bowling is a once-popular tavern game played with a heavy ball and ten pins.


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Re: my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?
« Reply #108 on: September 09, 2020, 12:29:19 PM »
Pandemic effects on local bowling alleys make front-page news in my current town.(apologies if it makes you play 20 questions or subscribe before letting you read it)

The good thing about that alley is that they diversified. They were able to expand more of their food offerings, and that has kept them going. Obviously not having bowling is crippling them, as it is every bowling alley, but they found a small workaround for the time being.

Like all of us, all we can do is wait.



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Re: my center is reopening June 1st, any word on yours yet?
« Reply #109 on: September 09, 2020, 04:07:03 PM »
Our local center here in Western Pa. has been opened for about a month.  Fall league participation is down approximately 40%. Interestingly, our center has actually picked up a few new (small leagues) this year which ,without them,participation would be even lower than it currently is.  The biggest drop has come from our center's after- school bowling program. Our center had a full house (24 lanes) every Monday, Wed. and Friday for many years. School buses used to drop off the kids after class but currently, all classes are currently being conducted online.