Bowled to fill in for an injured friend in our scratch league tonight. I have not been bowling uch, no more than once a week in league. STarted off with a 246 with an open tenth frame (missed a ten pin) hitting the pocket every ball. Second game was a 196 and I started pulling the ball (opened the tenth frame and missed that darn 10 pin again) last game I went brooklyn, then pocket, and proceeded to go either heavy into the headpin or brooklyn until the 9th frame, carrying all. I have to say I was too scared to move as everything was going over. In the 9th I went heavy in the pocket and carried, and found I had jelly-legs when I stepped up for the tenth - I decided that I had to move, adjusted to the right, and proceeded to strike 3 in the pocket for my first 300, and possibly the worst game of bowling I have ever thrown!
Just wanted to hear from anyone else who has every scored big while throwing so badly, asI am actually not sure if I should be pleased with the score or disappointed at the bowling
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.