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Author Topic: ballreviews new look  (Read 1224 times)


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ballreviews new look
« on: May 26, 2003, 02:52:39 PM »
I don,t care for the look or the direction this site is obviously going.
I will not be back!


10 In The Pit

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Re: ballreviews new look
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 06:55:55 AM »
Vlor, I can understand your feelings for sure, and I don't care for the new look either.  I much preferred the look that we had was much more soothing to the eyes, and it didn't look like the inside of a doctor's office.  Before, this site was a place where you could come to and wind down from a long day, but this overpowering brightness now is anything but soothing to the eye or the mind.

Obviously somebody out there in cyberland is listening to some of our comments, since a few of our gripes have already been addressed and rectified.  But, things such as the color scheme (we HAD the best thing going!) and the fact that the posts don't automatically update anymore are being overlooked.  Yes, if you reply to a post, you will immediately see your reply when you send it.....however, when you back out to the forum menu, your post is nowhere to be seen until you force a manual reload of the forum page....and the same thing holds true for when you walk away for a little while and come back, because the display doesn't update until you force a manual reload.  Before, even backing out of a reply would update all of the information in that entire forum topic.

I feel like I need to put sunglasses on just to view the site now.....the brightness is simply overpowering to the eyes, and it doesn't have that inviting appeal that our old blue display had.

I'm sure that more glitches will unfold as posters use the site, or at least those posters who choose to remain here.  I'm one of the very few members that has been on BallReviews from back in the Bruce Hamilton days.....when Bruce sold off the site to Eteamz, we lost a LOT of posters who were put off by the way that Eteamz dictated everything that happened here.  Basically, Eteamz didn't fit the BallReviews picture, but they tried to shoehorn our website into Eteamz.  We were continually bombarded by baseball, softball, and a lot of other stuff that the bowlers had no interest in looking at.  Somehow Scott wound up over the bowling section, but eventually Eteamz canned Scott saying that they no longer needed a "bowling administrator", and they planned to throw the bowling section into the dumpster.  Well, Scott went through the legal hassles of buying out the Eteamz rights to the bowling section, and we regained the name "".  Although BallReviews lost a lot of posters when Eteamz took over, most all of the posters at Eteamz came along with Scott when he reformed BallReviews, so the loss of posters then was virtually zero.

Now, we are suddenly orphaned again, still with the BallReviews name, but with a very "iffy" future ahead of us.  All we know is that somebody who supposedly "knows bowling" bought us out, and the rest remains a total mystery due to contractual obligations....basically, Scott flat out told us that he was not at liberty to say who the new owners of BallReviews are.  So, we are still here, drifting around, with no knowledge of what the future holds for us.  We might have been gobbled up by some ball company, or we might have been gobbled up by a on-line Pro Shop, or we might have been gobbled up by the PBA, or we might have been gobbled up by a pesticide manufacturing company!  Heck, we talk about ScotchBrite so much that 3M might have bought us up.

There are several changes that appear on the site itself that raises questions.  Lane #1 is no longer on board, is now in the sub-sponsor status instead of headline status, is now a major sponsor (?), Bowling Digest is now a major sponsor, PBA Tour is now listed as a major sponsor, Scott's other stuff such as Virtual Tournaments, League Secretary, and Varsity Bowling are still listed as sub-sponsors, and the "BallReviews" logo is now changed to look more like the PBA Tour logo.  And, the "Gold Membership" is dead for this site (it still lives on at Scott's other site).

Where does all of this leave us mere peons at?  Well, we survive at the bottom of the food chain, so we probably won't know much more until someone decides that we need to know.  Will we lose posters? this point, I would have to speculate that the answer is "yes".  Even after being here for some 4 years myself, I'm uncertain about my future interests....I've seen this site grow, I've seen it barely escape a certain death, and then I've seen it grow even more than it was back in the earlier days.  However, I have no clue where it is headed at this point.  I should have known something was up when Scott did some housekeeping a while back, and then when Leftside was dismissed as deputy last week an alarm bell went off in my head too.  Then the other day, I was logged onto the site, went away from the computer for a while to take care of some business, came back to the computer and suddenly found that the dreaded 404 error came up, and a few hours later the site reappeared with this new "clinical" look (and several new glitches).

I don't know what to tell you, because I'm uncertain of what I think at this point.  The answer is that there is no answer.