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Author Topic: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)  (Read 681 times)


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My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« on: April 10, 2005, 02:10:23 PM »
Bowled in the team event of our county tournament, held at my home center.  Having never done this before, I was a little nervous.  A shot of Cabo Wabo before leaving helped calm the nerves a little.  

My average for the tourney is my league 178. The shot was our THS -- a longish, relatively heavy pattern, although it seemed like a lighter application of oil.  Two 5-man teams per lane.  First time I've ever seen 10 guys playing essentially the same line -- definitely had a HUGE effect on the breakdown, something I've never experienced to this degree.

Warm-up:  Started with my Animal, drilled pin above ring, MB 2" right of thumb, 1000 grit.  Seemed like a good choice as it was rolling nice.  Initial line was starting at 30 throwing over 15 to about 8 at the break.  Threw some 7s and 10s before the start and felt good.

Game 1:  First ball with the Animal was a slight pull that started hooking off my hand leaving a big 4.  Next 2 strike balls never got out to 15 -- too strong? -- missed my first 10, then made a 4 pin.  Switched to my Apocalypse, drilled/finished similarly, but figured it would get further down the lane.  Proved true and I started hitting the pocket/striking.  Left a 6-7-10 late noticing that I needed to move in some as it was coming in a little high.  I ended with a 172.  Not too bad under the circumstances.  

Game 2:  Continuing with the Apoc, strike on the right, although is was a touch high.  Move 2-2, then big thumb stick.  I was lucky to hit any pins.  Miss the spare.  Strike again on the right and move to 35/20 on the left.  The ball gets to the pocket, but the angle is too direct coming in leaving a 5.  I miss the 5!!!  Coulda died with that one.  Decide I need something I can move a little more outside with to create a little more angle, so I switch to my Eraser PP.  It's drilled pin over bridge with cg kicked out and 1000 grit.  This is what I needed.  Struck a couple, but it didn't last too long there.  Ball started jumping like crazy on the backend.  Ended with a 170 with a couple more opens missing 1 pin spares and a 3-6-10.

Game 3:  With the Eraser moving so strongly, I made the jump down to my X-Factor (drilled like the Animal and Apoc, but nice and shiny) and moved out to 23/15.  This worked great and started with a double, 9/.  Then the X-Factor starting jumping on me like crazy.  Eventually moved to 35/20 to end with a strike, but disaster from 4th through 8th frames ended with a 167.  

Before you start wanting to comment, I know I suck!!  I'm inexperienced and was trying to make decisions on what I was seeing, but have NEVER seen the transitions happening like this.  For whatever reason, my balls were just moving a ton -- had a terrible time keeping the ball left of the headpin.  Please share any thoughts, experiences you may have!!  



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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2005, 10:53:49 PM »
Without actually being there to see the tournament unfolding before your eyes, there are two observations that I would make regarding ball selection and mental awareness.

1) If you are not used to bowling in a tournament where 10 people on a pair play the same line, there can be significant line and ball changes that need to be made as soon as possible. If everyone is playing the track area, you have to focus on where the breakpoint is down the lane and try to get your ball to that point effectively while maintaining a consistent line to get there. If everyone is playing 15 to 10 for instance, you may be better off playing 4th or 5th arrow to 10 early as your line will hold up longer.

2) The ball selections I'm hearing include 3 out of the 4 balls with essentially the same drilling and one ball that may be a little different. You may want to see if you have within your bag different balls with different drillings so that if one look isn't working for you (balls reving up too much in the midlane and crossing over) you find a ball and layout that will give you a cleaner look up front and then save energy for the back, more of a controlled arcing motion to the pocket.

While this may have seemed frustrating, keep plugging away and every experience is a learning experience to make you a better bowler. The spare shooting probably would have improved your series 50-60 pins as well...

We've all had nervous sets in tournaments- I think my first nationals was a humbling experience at shooting 550's per set when I had been used to big sets in my local tournaments...



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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2005, 07:32:44 AM »
Matt -
Thanks!!  That's just the kind of info I was looking for.  I'm desperately working on my spare conversions.  I've just recently committed fully to straight plastic at my spares, and definitely need more practice.

As for my ball layouts, any suggestions there??  All my balls were layed out last year, at a time when I was speed/rev challenged.  I've since improved greatly on both fronts, so it would seem I have new issues to deal with.  My Eraser, Rush, Sonic X and Retro Roto Blue (from profile) all seem to have a nice arcing motion, but, like you pointed out, seem to rev big in the midlane.  I had thought that the assymetric cores in the Animal and Apocalypse would go longer for me, but apparently that isn't true, either.  They rev just as much/more than the other stuff.  My X-Factor is the only ball that seems to get through the fronts before starting to rev up, but by then, I was just lost.

I have another tourney at the end of the month -- enough time to get better with my spares and make some decisions about my arsenal.  Maybe working on a straighter shot, too??  Noone was playing outside, but on THS, I can't imagine it would be such a good idea....

Reality Check

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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2005, 07:56:08 AM »
I would suggest talking to your ball driller and seeing if one or two of your balls could be redrilled for different reactions. Without seeing you bowl, it sounds like too many of your balls are doing the same thing, and even if you don't get as much use as some of them, it is worth having a couple of balls in the bag with completely different reactions to your favoured ball
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.


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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 09:08:08 AM »
I have had similar troubles to yourself.
What I found best for me was to play as deep as possible even if you only have low revs. This is especially so on lighter oil patterns.
Sounds wierd doesnt it?
Most people I see playing in my traveling league shoot between 3rd out to 1st.
This causes a lot of dry in that area. Very few play as deep as centre or even 5th arrow. You dont have to get the ball out very far, only about 15 or so.
Now if you teach yourself to play 4th to 5th arrow you will have a ton of dry to bounce the ball off. That means that speed control will be easier for you.
I dont have tons of revs as you may know if youve seen my vid but this has helped me play consistant scores on my travelling team without having to force balls on the 4th game of a 5 man team block. I try to get to 4th arrow by about the 2nd game. Especially on wood.
Boy Ive given you my big secret now but I had to let the cat out of the bag sometime.
Hope it helps you, it has me.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
 Want to learn to read lanes then visit:-
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.


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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2005, 07:31:55 AM »
Thanks, all!!  I'll be stopping at the pro shop to see if they can recommend any changes to my set ups.  I'll also be practicing in way deep -- maybe after league, to get the right conditions -- never thought of bouncing off the dry they created while keeping it in the left oil.  I kept thinking I could go right and play straight, but it was dry there already.  It was definitely a great learning experience!!


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Re: My first tournament - how do I get better? (long)
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2005, 11:40:11 AM »
Two things I want to comment on: Ok, three

You don't suck. I've bowled in Nationals and shot 450 w/ a house average of 225. Happens to everyone.

One-Spares. Although you are nervous and confidence gets shaken after not striking, focus on making spares. And make your spare shooting the same for all types of shots. Meaning, go straight at spares. On a typical house shot, you might be able to slowly hook it across at a 4 pin, but on a sport shot or an even oil shot, that won't work.

Two-This comes with experience. Work on staying one step ahead of the shot. You can play where 9 other guys are playing. I mean, at the US Open, every right hander was playing basically the same shot. But, reading how your ball reacts and adjusting before its too late keeps you ahead of the game. If you go from light pocket to flush, next time you are up, move a board left. The key is to keep your ball in play so you have simple spares to make. Something I do as well is if there are squads before you, find someone who throws the ball similarly to you. See where they are playing, what ball they are using.