I am writing this from my long overdue, greatly anticipated bowling office!
As I spin around in my chair, I see...
my spinner and paraphernalia
Bill Taylor Ball Fitter (will be for sale soon)
posters of Bohn, Anthony, and Voss
A bottle of Hook again Compound
A 300 local women's assn. award.
My 1978 Las Vegas Invitational Team All Events Trophy
A box of "tenpins" collector cards - never opened
A display NABI check
honor score/city tournament/state association plaques
bud light bowling light (not neon

A bookcase with ALL my bowling books and magazines
Video tapes
Window treatment of bowling fabric
Brunswick Custom-Matic ball measuring ball with all the thumb inserts
Bowling wallpaper border
A display case containing all kinds of funky, old bowling stuff, my 300 ring, my 800 ring, a Helen Duval commemorative AMF Wood pin, a JR Adult trophy bowling pin from before I was born, etc...
My NWWCBA banner denoting 3 titles
and, last, but not least,
my brunswick ball rack gotten from a local house when they remodeled, full (18 slots), with a bunch of empty bags sitting on top.
When the window treatment, crown molding, and border are actually installed, I'll post some pictures.
Oh - I've got a ton more stuff in boxes in the basement. Just have to figure out how to display it all. I'm jazzed!!!
If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi