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Author Topic: My Rant of the day: Carb Friendly!  (Read 1844 times)

The Hose

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My Rant of the day: Carb Friendly!
« on: April 14, 2004, 08:04:05 PM »
What's with this crap?  Low Carb this and Low Carb that.  I don't get it.  Everything is a "wrap" now.
A sign said "Carb Friendly" outside of Sonic.  Isn't that an oxymoron?  If something is friendly, don't you 'want' it?

I'm a Manly Man and I like Manly food.  I eat steak, hotlinks, BBQ, and burgers and fries.  I don't want no sissy salad or green stuff.

Sawbones is 78 and has never eaten a green thing in his life and he can still outrun, out bowl, out fight, and out golf most people 20 years younger.  Why?  He doesn't sit on is butt all day long eating Bon-Bons.  

Get off you fat @#%Z and walk for a change.  Try a nice glass of water intead of drinking Big Gulps all day.

When I pick up a few pounds on my body, I back off the amount of food I eat and workout.
As far as I'm concerned, they can take their "Carb Friendly" stuff and shove it!

Rant over,  now I need a Donut:
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose



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Re: My Rant of the day: Carb Friendly!
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2004, 08:09:29 PM »
I'm with you Hose!  Celebrated #52 yesterday and tonight after bowling I will swill my share of carb laced and fortified heavenly fermented malt beverages.  Oh did I mention it was also lunch night?  Can't wait for some of that delicious shrimp salad.  Nothing better than pasta lathered up with mayo and a couple steak sandwiches with real bread on the side.  Too bad lunch night is only four times a season.

And what is with this "ideal" weight crap?  Ideal for who?  And for what?  I've had the biggest laugh over this for years when all my friends collectively say that even in high school they didn't weight their ideal weight.  Since when do you have to disappear when you turn sideways to be at a healthy weight?

Moderation is the key.  I say never eat more than you want too and never drink more than you can!  And stay out of those darn golf carts!  It's a walking kind of a game.  Can you imagine bowlers taking a cart to the foul line?  Or having vallet service from the parking lot?