What's with this crap? Low Carb this and Low Carb that. I don't get it. Everything is a "wrap" now.
A sign said "Carb Friendly" outside of Sonic. Isn't that an oxymoron? If something is friendly, don't you 'want' it?
I'm a Manly Man and I like Manly food. I eat steak, hotlinks, BBQ, and burgers and fries. I don't want no sissy salad or green stuff.
Sawbones is 78 and has never eaten a green thing in his life and he can still outrun, out bowl, out fight, and out golf most people 20 years younger. Why? He doesn't sit on is butt all day long eating Bon-Bons.
Get off you fat @#%Z and walk for a change. Try a nice glass of water intead of drinking Big Gulps all day.
When I pick up a few pounds on my body, I back off the amount of food I eat and workout.
As far as I'm concerned, they can take their "Carb Friendly" stuff and shove it!
Rant over, now I need a Donut

I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose