This is starting to bug me. If you lined up the scores from the last four tournaments I've bowled in, this is what you get for the average of the first three games (approximate numbers used):
Game 1: 160
Game 2: 190
Game 3: 240
Problem here is, the format is three games qualifying, then cut to cashers' round, then stepladder. Getting better as I go along is nice, but those first two games (particularly the first) is burying me before I get started.
The format is one game, then switch pairs, shoot the next game, switch pairs again, etc. Oil pattern is typically different for each tournament, as they're held in different houses.
Obviously the problem is that I am not reading/recognizing the pattern early enough and making adjustments accordingly. I have read Wes Mallott's advice on using 7 or 8 balls to determine pattern length, shape, etc., but there are two problems there: One, it takes about 3-4 balls to warm up to where I can throw actual shots, and two, we don't have enough practice time allotted (and no practice once we switch pairs). Advice?