Well, I don't HAVE to do this, but I am anyhow......
This concluded my 2nd FULL season of bowling since 1991.
First off, last year I booked a 204.
I started in a brand new house this year that I've never seen before....AMF synthetics, 38 ft. super wet-dry....started out struggling pretty bad but leveled off....then right before the holidays started struggling again!
I went from 204 down to 193 fairly quickly

, then started to bring it back up slowly...
Then , my first professional lessons kicked in........I thought it would make my season worse! Lessons on top of a new span change and pitches...but it didn't! It actually helped....
Since the Holidays I've booked a 201, and finished the season with a 199! With all the changes that took place this year....I'll take it! If I wouldn't have SUCKED the first game last night, I would have finished with a duece, but oh well! I finished well with a 224, and made ALL my 10 pins last night !

Just wanted to share....
Looking forward to a lesson or 2 over the summer, and practice, practice, practice, practice,.........

JEFFBetter....much better!