I broke my foot last night at the bowling center when I slipped from a step between the pit and the concourse. I have to go see an orthopedic doctor this afternoon for a cast, so right now I'm sitting here with my foot elevated and wrapped in a temporary splint.
Good news is that it's not a major break and should heal nicely. It was after the 9th frame of my 3rd game. I finished out the game, even though pivoting on the broken foot hurt like hell (I figured it was just a sprain at the time). I did shoot 673 to finish, though.

6-8 weeks off my feet. So much for the 5K I was planning to run in April...
ScolaÃ)O("Get all the fools on your side, and you can be elected to anything." ~Frank Dane
Weighting On 40 - Weight Reduction for the Thirty-something Crowd - and Beyond!