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Author Topic: My thumb refused to come out!  (Read 1144 times)


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My thumb refused to come out!
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:01:26 PM »
I've a problem now. My thumb refuses to come out, and I already did something to my thumb hole and still the thing happen. All I can do now is use some powder to smoothen everything. I've using a wrist guard too, and I believe the wrist guard does give a earlier release.

At this stage, I'm hopiig to fun some solution to my problem, cause I want to give up on my wrist guard.

Can someone provide me a solution to it? Redrilling my ball or Enlarge the hole somemore ? Or change the way I hold my ball ?


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2004, 10:14:52 AM »
There could be many causes to your problem. What pitches are currently being used in your thumb hole?

When you put your thumb into the ball does it feel snug? If it feels snug but you get out of it good when just holding the ball odds are you are squeezing when you release the ball. Squeezing is the enemy.

If you are not squeezing and the thumb feels snug you could need a little bit of bevel around the front of the thumb hole.
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Carl Hurd

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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 10:50:28 AM »
I'm not quite sure about my drilling, but i know whenever my guard is off my wrist, I couldn't release the ball properly.

I did try gripping with my fingers and letting my thumb lose inside the hole, still when I'm about to release the ball, I got the feeling of being stuck. I enlarged my thumb hole by quite a bit, yet still it doesn't help.

Guess I should try beveling the front of my thumb hole ? Sounds like a good solution to it. Cause the part when it stuck is on the side of my thumb when it thumb is trying to come out.


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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2004, 11:14:41 AM »
Without being able to see and feel how tight your thumb is it is impossible to say.

EXCALIBER gave good advice.

Bevel can and will help. Amount of bevel is an individual choice. But generally if it is a bad bevel issue you will have a cutting feeling at the base of the thumb.

Generally thumb pitch and span issues causes thumbs to stick in the hole.

With improper pitches for your thumb you can make a thumb hole huge and still have thumb release problems. Unless your thumb is perfectly round and very few are, when your thumb is fully inserted into the ball you should not be able to rotate it in the hole. You should only have a little wiggle side to side at most.

Too long of a span will cause you to exaggerate whatever tendency you have. If you tend to drop the ball then you will drop the ball more, if you stick then you will stick more.

Everyone is different. Normally if a person is sticking in the thumb and the span is correct then you would add pitch away (reverse) from the palm and maybe increase side (right) pitch. But I’ve seen hands that left pitch helped.

You most likely need to visit a good proshop to have it checked out.


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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2004, 11:47:52 AM »
The span usually changes a bit when any type of wrist support is used, especially something like a Cobra, Pro Release, etc., at least in my personal experiences.
Tough to get a read via the internet, but I would agree that hanging up can be caused by bevel(lack of), pitches, and span. Best to find a COMPETENT fitter/driller, even if you have to drive a distance.
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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2004, 02:20:19 PM »
I went through a similar problem last summer.  I had thumbholes that were fine one week and impossible to get out of the next.  It had nothing to do with the thumbhole - it was me.  I had developed early timing.  See, I had always taken five steps, started my pushaway half-way through the first step and muscled the ball on the way down.  This early push and slowing down of the ball kept me in time.  But when I started working on a free armswing combined with the early push caused early timing.  My fix, switch to four steps.  Thumb problems solved.

Bottom line, if the thumbhole has been fine and now it is not - maybe you have early timing.
Regards, ClutchClay
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Re: My thumb refused to come out!
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2004, 11:07:36 PM »
Guess I shall do a bevel first, follow my looking into my timing.

I think i have a early timing..I always release my ball before toe. Thanks guys.