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Author Topic: MY TURN!!!!!!  (Read 1558 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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MY TURN!!!!!!
« on: April 27, 2004, 09:48:53 AM »
The bowling season is just about finished. This was my first season running a center. I was the manager/jack of all trades. I did the lanes, fixed the machines. I often had to fix the machines while I was bowling as well.

Anyways---I have had to listen to bowlers complain all season about this, and about that. The very same bowlers who were carrying 10-15 pins higher on the oil pattern I put on the lanes. I changed the shot from last year, and scores were MUCH better this season. I have also had to hear abour this rant and that rant here on ballreviews. Bowlers are never happy. You can make one guy happy but take the chance that the one thing that is going to make him happy is going to get 10 guys mad.

SO----It is my turn to vent alittle. I am going to use ballreviews to do this because you cannot vent to customers and expect them to come back.

Since I was at the center (small, 14 lanes) 6 nights of the week, I elected to bowl in 5 leagues. I am going to vent about one league in particular:

Monday: This is our "classic" league. The league with all of the big shots. I have bowled in this league for 5 years. I have had the same team each year. Last season we finished second, this year we won it. We finished second in 2 of the 4 quarters, 3rd in one, and 1st in one. There is one team that just steam rolled through the entire league, they won the 3 quarters that our team didn't. So we had to roll off against them to win the 4th quarter, we beat them. Then we had to beat them in two rolloffs. The first we won the first 2 games (3 point system) and we won the first 2 for the championship. WELL, my team cannot just win and have bowled well. Many of the bowlers were saying that we won because I did the lanes (which I didn't, I let the owner oil those 2 weeks). Nevermind that my team bowled really well.
So why can we not just win and it be that simple? Why must bowlers try to stir a pot and get everyone mad? We out bowled them, and it was not like my team was horrible, 2nd the year before and right up there every quarter throughout this season.

Sorry, it just bothers me to be accused of cheating. I love bowling, and I love winning-----but if I cannot win outright, I do not deserve to win. SUPRISE SUPRISE---the guy that was spreading that stuff about us cheating was the guy that used to do the lanes the year before. He was known to do that kind of stuff, set up a shot for his team. He admitted it to the owner, thus the reason he was not employed there any longer.

My venting about bowlers extends to many other things. I just love it when the guy complaining about the lane conditions is carrying a higher average than he ever has in his life. It is great to be able to throw that back at them, especially when one of them dad.

Bowlers will never be happy. There is just that group that feels they never do wrong, and if they are bowling bad it has to be the lane conditions.

OK---before you go off, I am not speaking about all bowlers, but most of them fall into this category.

I am done**L** I have rambled enough.
C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/



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Re: MY TURN!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2004, 01:41:56 AM »
First, congrats to you and the team for bowling well, and winning. Some people just can not admit that others performed better. Running a center is one of the toughest tasks, people wise, managing others, and attempting to keep customers pleased.
Best of luck in the future, and carry those corners!
BTW....please make the left side tougher....LMAO
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Re: MY TURN!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2004, 09:14:54 AM »
The bowling season is just about finished. This was my first season running a center. I was the manager/jack of all trades. I did the lanes, fixed the machines. I often had to fix the machines while I was bowling as well.

Anyways---I have had to listen to bowlers complain all season about this, and about that.

At least they complained to YOU about stuff, because you're the one running the center.  When the bowlers on the league I was secretary of (key word:  WAS) if the approaches were lousy, they'd complain to me.  I finally threw a screaming fit one night saying WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?  SEE THAT DOOR THAT SAYS MANAGER ON IT?!  TALK TO HIM, IT'S HIS BUILDING, NOT MINE!!"  At least they stopped bothering me with stupid stuff after that one...

Get this:  I handed over all my records to the new secretary, and the women were already squawking at her about incorrect birthdates on paperwork and other things.  I just smiled and wished her good luck.  She's going to need it.

Anyway, congrats on winning your league fair and square.  I agree with MTFD.. you outperformed the other team and they're not happy about that.  Tough rocks.  
White Dot
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Re: MY TURN!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2004, 09:24:35 AM »
if you dress the lanes and bowl in the league. post the oil pattern. now everyone knows what you know and it's public info.

now they won't be able to read it, but at least you have absoultion from doctoring.
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: MY TURN!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2004, 10:01:02 AM »
Two things I've learned working in the golf business...

#1 - You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never, ever please them all!  You have to try to do what's best for the majority...if some don't like it, they have two choices - get over it or go somewhere else.  If you offer "the best game in town", you'd be suprised how many of those complainers "get over it" and how quickly they will do so.  Of course, you may still lose a few but with "customers" like that, you won't miss them.

#2 - Never win your own tournament/event!  In your case, your own league!  Accusations will fly, as in your case, they already have.  Once again there are two options, but this time you have the choice - continue to bowl and expect the ridicule if you win or don't bowl.  In your case, I really don't think the second option would be a viable choice.  I like the idea of posting the oil pattern as someone mentioned, that way they have no excuses, or do what you did for those two weeks , have someone else oil the lanes.  To be honest with you, if it were me, I wouldn't be too concerned about what they said/thought, it sounds to me like they've got a case of "sore-ass" because they lost.

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