The Detox is better than the Revivor for several different reasons in my opinion. The first is run time, I've found that a 30 minute treatment does the job 9 times out of 10. Sometimes if the ball is excessively soaked, I'll change the water halfway through. The Revivor can take several hours of dry heat to get most of the oil out. While the Revivor simply uses heat to change the viscosity of the oil and allow it to run out of the ball, the Detox both extracts AND deep cleans the pores of the ball. The Detox is safer on the ball and much more efficient, and instead of having an oily mess at the end of the treatment to clean up, the oil in the Detox is suspended in the water. When you remove it with the rack, simply place it on a towel sprayed with cleaner, wipe the ball down, vacuum the water out of the finger holes, and it's ready to be used instantly. The oil and water is then just drained out of the Detox. We have a Revivor at one of our other stores, and the manager there has used both and he by far prefers the Detox, says there's really no comparison.