you have a style that is very similar to mine! i am a lefty, but you have a release and form that made me say, wow, thats like a mirror of myself. you drop the ball alot later than i.
the only difference is i go with a bit more arm swing. i am also 5'6"... weird.
i notice how the ball doesn't drop til well into the second step. i agree with the 3-step comment, if you are having timing issues that is where they are coming from. your swing is rushed. i push the ball out during my first step, and it is dropping as i place my foot down.
i have alot of timing issues myself. i work my a$s off to keep that ball passing my foot right as i end my slide. if i am early, i will damn near fall over sideways *and do!*. alot of times, when i am early, my slide foot is turned in. just one of the little subtle clues to tell me to slow my feet down.