My hubby walked into a house about 15 years ago, he had a 200 ave. way back then when it was touch at home. There he felt like a fool, lucky to hit 160's.
But then the son on the other hand, he almost broke a house record first night he bowled in a new league with someone at work. Shot didn't seem the same after he did that.
Went to Seaford Del. for a pro regional with him. Out of bordeom we went to another house during the pro am thing for something to do. Lady working there said it was a tough shot, don't expect to do well. He shot a 244 after 2 or 3 games. We spoke with a local better bowler who bowled in more than one house in that area, he did say his ave. was way different between the 2 because one was tougher than the other.
Where we bowl there is no alchohol allowed. I've noticed some bowlers that bowl where beer is, they do sometimes have lower averages and kick butt in handicap tournaments where no booze is around. ( I enjoy beer myself sometimes...just that if you bowl league casually for fun and then compete in a tournament with a more serious attitude it does make a difference)
Life's weird, one man's cup of tea is another's poison. We went to the DutchMan as a family, my first time to do that. One alley my daughter with a 160 ave. scored a 300 exactly, scratch.. that is for 3 game total!!! HUbby placed in both events there.
Went to team house, I bowled over my head 3 out of 4, if not for a minor lane change problem I should've placed. I also bowled crappy in singles and doubles.
Normally when we bowl as a family, when hubby does great I struggle, when he's struggling I bowl my best. I prefer one type condition and him another.
My uncle bowled for over 30 years where we bowl, we've been bowling almost that long there now. My uncle said he was lucky to average a 175 after all them years. But back then, it was wood lanes, rubber balls and stuff. He's amazed when he sees my son or hubby in paper for 300's or 800's. I wish he were healthy enough to bowl a league with us to experience the difference since he gave it up. I bet he could bowl a higher ave. now with the right equipment and understanding how bowling has changed.
I'd never knock a house for having low ave unless I gave it a shot myself. The ones that amaze me are the small houses that have over 60 300's on the wall for one season! My son said last time out he noticed one guy had 6, and there were over 60 300.
I miss the days when 300's were rare and they sent bowling folks to check the lanes and stuff. It's gotten to the point I expect to get a 300 myself one of these days, years back 200's excited me now I get bummed if I get a 200 and have opens and think it should've been a 250 or better.
Edited on 7/28/2004 1:49 AM