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Author Topic: NABI  (Read 1487 times)


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« on: July 09, 2003, 07:16:36 PM »
Has anyone played in a NABI tournament? I am just curious what their experience are. How was the oil pattern different from house lanes?


Mike E

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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2003, 03:52:11 PM »
The answer is yes I have and probably will never do it again! NABI is notorious in my area(Maryland)for putting down some of the most impossible shots you can imagine.Now I have a couple of issues with this.The average I have to use in a NABI tournament is my highest league avg. The shot is the farthest thing from a league shot you can imagine.The shot NABI requests in some cases is so bizzare that the houses have in some cases refused to even put it down!The PBA tour tells it's members we are going to use shot A.B.C.D.or E. My point is everybody is aware of what they are bowling on. NABI won't tell you and on top of it you get 4 whole balls to figure it out, 2 on each lane. For an average price of 60 dollars to enter each event I say you gotta be kidding me.You almost have to have tried it yourself a couple of times to see how frustrating it is.I've wound up using plastic more times than I care to remember. Regards-Mike E
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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2003, 04:30:09 PM »

I bowled in a normally all baggers inc event several years ago...doubt much has changed since then.  Some of the groups put down a glorified house shot, some spec out something umm...different.  In some respects, that was similar to what a Dallas group was doing (Elite Bowlers Tour) didn't know what you would see until that particular day, but only the first squad was really at a disadvantage- anyone else that didn't show up early and watch what was going on deserved whatever happened.


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« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2003, 07:46:27 AM »
michelle,  nice touch on the NABI acronym.  Mike E,  before the current folks took over the Maryland (DC Area) NABI, the shots were a little more resonable. At least that's what I've been told by some of the local NABI bowlers.  I bowled a couple a fews years ago, and decided that there were too many sandbaggers.