I know many time many subjuects are brought up here about having house shots replaced by tougher conditions. Many bowlers are not as ardent a fan as most on here and they fail to understand the beauty of shotmaking. I recently visited a old doubles partner who owns a house and he has now two leagues that at least have stepped into the door a bit. The leagues have voted to run a different pattern for each third of the season(37ft,43ft and 40ft modified volumes) with the last third being a modified tougher shot. (Not quite a sport but still tougher than the 8:1 or 10:1's most everyone see) He has already talked to two other leagues and they have agreed to set this into motion for next year. I applaud this as none of the leagues are a classic or scratch league. Steps like this i believe could help bring around the average bowler to learning the game a bit more.