I guess I’ll believe the lanes are replaced when it gets done. And I'm like Bob in that I believe they were new when installed.
I am friends with a former proprietor who closed his house last year.
I forget the exact numbers but in conversations with him, at that time it took 3 to 4 resurfacing to match the cost putting down synthetics. That did not include the cost of dragging a fresh coat, screening or any other maintenance to wood lanes that synthetics didn’t have. So he figured in about 10 years he would be even with the cost of installing synthetics in place of his old wood lanes.
But he did a sanding/resurface every 2 to 3 years. I would guess the stadium would need to do one once a year or at least 2 every 3 years after the big nationals.
I have also wondered if it cost more to install synthetics in houses that are currently wood versus replacing synthetic lanes in a house that is already synthetic. I would think the process would be easier to replace synthetics but have nothing but opinion on that.
Most of our synthetics around here still look good but most have been installed less than 10 years. One house (the one that hosted the WIBC doubles/singles/queens tournament) has had them (anvilane) since 1987 when it was built and they look bad but play pretty good. They said they were going to replace them last year but never did. No they are saying they will in the next year or so, sound familiar?