Two of them are solids and one is a pearl urethane (Avalanche).
This is like comparing apples and oranges. But here is my evaluation.
The strength of a solid cover urethane (Natural, Grenade) is that it reads very early on the lane and is very smooth reaction-wise. If there's too much friction on the lane "carry" may be an issue. It depends on the bowler. These are the definition of predictable when used on the right part of the lane.
A pearl urethane, such as the Avalanche will definitely require adequate friction to get started, but IF IT DOES, it will react like a "tame, smooth reactive ball". I have used mine on the dry (actually "torched") part of the lane and was very impressed with the overall move and carry. I have a friend that owns a Natural, who said "there's no way that ball is all urethane" because it reacted so well on the friction.
So you decide. For earlier read and smooth go with one of the solids (regardless of brand). If you're truly seeing LOTS OF DRY then the pearl may serve you better, since it will go a bit longer and then be smooth. Both types can be very effective when the lanes dictate their use. Just my attempt at explaining the differences as I see them. Best of luck to you.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff
www.brunswickbowling.comThe opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.