If my armswing is haywire in any direction (pick one - I've done 'em all...) I go back to basics, and concentrate on the pushaway and starting arm position. I make sure that my arm is straight on the SIDE of my body, and that my pushaway is going in the direction of my target. Since I line up parallel to the intended ball path, this direction is "generally" straight.
I tend to bring the ball out on my backswing, and then it's any body's guess where it ends up at the line. It might be a tug, or I might miss right an arrow. But the "back to basics" mantra works for me.
If you still don't have any idea how to straighten your swing and hit your target, I'd strongly recommend the Dick Ritger bowling camp. They'll spend 4 days teaching you how to hit your target (and how to figure out what that target should be!)
Good luck.
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz